How dental implants help improve your smile

What Can I Do to Get Back My Smile?

How dental implants can give you back your smile

Have you lost a tooth and wonder how to get back the smile you once had? Dental implants, such as those provided by Dr. James Dental ImplantsZimmerman, of Woodland, California, might be just what you are looking for.

A dental implant is a titanium screw which is placed in the jaw to replace the missing root of your tooth. Titanium is strong, and yet compatible with your bone and tissue, so your body won’t reject it, unlike some other implant materials. In fact, dental implants are the most successful of any surgical implant. A crown is then placed over the titanium “root” to look just like your natural tooth.

You will receive many benefits from dental implants including:

An ability to speak with increased confidence, knowing that nothing will “move around” as sometimes happens with dentures and partials

An ability to chew your food better, improving your digestion and overall health

Greater convenience and a solution to tooth loss that with proper care could last a lifetime

Perhaps the greatest advantage of implants is that they can provide you with a natural, beautiful smile. Unlike removable partials and dentures, implants are the closest to your natural teeth. In addition to replacing a tooth, implants help to maintain the shape of the jawbone, which in turn helps to maintain the youthful look of the face. You will look completely natural and feel better about yourself and the way you look to others.

Implants are a beautiful, permanent solution to tooth loss. You owe it to yourself to look and feel your best, after all, there is only one YOU. So, if you are thinking about implants, give Dr. James Zimmerman, your dentist in Woodland, California, a call today! He can help restore your smile.

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