Can Sedation Dentistry Help with My Dental Anxiety?

Sedation DentistryLearn more about how your Woodland dentist uses sedation dentistry to crush dental fears.

Do you fear the dentist? Does the thought of dental procedures make you nervous or cause a sinking feeling in your stomach? Many people share these sentiments about going to the dentist, and don’t get the oral care they need to maintain healthy smiles. Before your smile becomes seriously affected, it’s time to talk to your Woodland, CA dentist Dr. James Zimmerman about sedation dentistry.

About Sedation Dentistry

Your Woodland, CA dentist is pleased to offer a way for nervous patients to get the dental treatment they desperately need without feeling the butterflies in their stomach or the overwhelming dread of sitting in the dentist’s chair. The main purpose of sedation dentistry is to employ the use of certain medications to help soothe and calm patients throughout their entire dental visit.

Sedation dentistry comes in several forms and strengths to cater to your specific needs. Those who have severe phobias or who require multiple dental procedures at once may benefit from more moderate levels of sedation than someone who may only need minimal effects to calm them during a less invasive procedure or even dental cleaning. The two main forms of sedation dentistry that we offer are oral and inhalation sedation.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation comes in the form of a prescription-strength anti-anxiety medication like Xanax or Valium, which your Woodland dentist will instruct you to take about a half hour before your procedure. This will give your body time to absorb the medication and begin to feel the effects before your treatment begins.

Oral sedation will produce drowsiness and some patients may even fall asleep and forget their dental procedure altogether. With oral sedation the patient is never “put” to sleep and can be quickly awoken with a gently shake.

Inhalation Sedation

Inhalation sedation is actually nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen, which is administered through a face mask. Better known as laughing gas, this form of sedation has been popular for many years because its effects kick in right away and disappear quickly, so the patient isn’t left with negative side effects. Daily activities are also not affected by this form of sedation since it tends to be milder.

Ready to tackle those fears and get back into the dentist’s chair? Let your Woodland, CA dentist Dr. Zimmerman help you with sedation dentistry. Call us today to schedule your next appointment and let us know that you’re interested in sedation.

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