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  • Crying and Your Baby: How to Calm a Fussy or Colicky Baby

    Babies cry for different reasons. Crying is one way babies try to tell us what they need. They may be hungry, have a soiled diaper, or just want a little attention. (See checklist at the bottom.) If a crying baby cannot be comforted, the cause may be colic. Read on about colic and ways to calm a crying

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  • Dangers of Secondhand Smoke

    Even if you don’t smoke, breathing in someone else’s smoke can be deadly too. Secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 deaths from lung cancer and tens of thousands of deaths from heart disease to nonsmoking adults in the United States each year.

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  • Diaper Rash and Your baby

    Most babies get diaper rash, but it is usually not serious. Read on to find out more about what causes diaper rash and how to treat it.

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  • Diaper Rash—Child Care and Schools

    A shiny red rash, pinker than usual skin, or red bumps in the diaper area that may be caused by a yeast called Candida. There are other causes of diaper rash that produce a similar skin appearance but are not caused by an infection.

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  • Diarrhea and Your Child

    Diarrhea can be acute (lasts a short time) or chronic (lasting more than 2 weeks). Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) about acute diarrhea, as well as how to manage the symptoms, and how to help reduce your child’s chances of getting diarrhea.

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