Office News and Updates


Here is a quick summary of the news for our office:

  1. Coronavirus/COVID-19 news and information
  2. Electronic Health Record / Patient Portal
  3. Influenza vaccine

Coronavirus/COVID-19 News and Information
The office has now transitioned to an optional mask use for all areas and encounters in the office. Use of a face mask is totally at your discretion. Should this policy may change in the future based on updated guidelines from the CDC, we will advise you accordingly

Electronic Health Record / Patient Portal
By now, we hope that you are aware that we have made the jump to an electronic health record (EHR). We are continuing to get all prior medical charts into an electronic format. With the EHR, you have an opportunity to be better connected with our office via multiple lines of communication including this new webpage and a free mobileapp called HealowKids (available both on iOS and Android). Access via the mobile app will allow you send and receive messages with our office, receive appointment reminders and office updates. We will be adding patient surveys to the portal that you can then complete at home prior to the your appointment/visit to the office. This will have to save time for you. Please ask how you can get better connected with our office!

Influenza Vaccine
Yes! The influenza vaccine is in the office. Please contact us to schedule a quick visit for your annual influenza shot. Appointments are available during the weekend and on Saturday.

That's all for now...check back frequently for future updates!!!

Last updated October 24, 2023

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Office News and Updates