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  • Gentle, Affordable, Contemporary Care

My Blog

  • The Benefits of a Bright Smile
    Having a nice, bright smile can affect the way you look, and in turn, improve how you feel about yourself. With the help of the doctor to provide you with Read more
  • The Link Between HPV and Oral Cancer
    Cancer has become a common word, and it seems like there is new research about it every day. We know antioxidants are important. We know some cancers are more treatable Read more
  • Charcoal Toothpaste
    Despite the extraordinary claims made for charcoal toothpaste, most dentists think that the accuracy of these claims is a very gray area. So, what is the theory behind using activated Read more
  • Thanksgiving Trivia
    At New Town Dental Arts we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, the doctor wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a bit Read more
  • Choosing the Dental Filling Option that's Best for You
    Did you know there are as many types of dental fillings as there are flavors of ice cream? Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration. Still, when you visit the dentist with Read more
  • Top Five Ways to Improve Heart Health
    While there is no definite evidence that if your prevent gum diseases, like periodontitis, that you may be able to prevent a heart condition or heart disease. The only thing Read more
  • Good Dental Hygiene Impacts Overall General Health
    There are many ways in which your oral health has an impact on your overall general health. There are naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth. Some of those bacteria, including Read more
  • Are there foods that whiten teeth?
    Coffee. Blueberries. Red wine. Tomato sauce. They might please our palate, but they are notorious for staining our teeth. Luckily, nature has balanced the scales for us! Here are just Read more
  • What to do about Dry Mouth
    Xerostomia, commonly known as dry mouth, is a condition in which the salivary glands in the mouth don’t produce enough saliva. Saliva keeps the mouth moist and cleanses it of Read more
  • Oral Health for the Young Adult
    Young adults often have the reputation of not taking good care of themselves. You may feel invincible, and not realize how much your behaviors now can affect your health later Read more
  • What's on your fall reading list?
    How better to spend the fall months than inside by the fireplace with a warm cup of cider and a book in hand? the doctor and our team at New Read more
  • How Tooth-Colored Fillings Improve Your Smile
    Today’s crowns, veneers, and tooth colored fillings are very natural looking compared to early counterparts. There was a time when dentists placed silver fillings exclusively. This material is still used, Read more
  • Eco-Friendly Toothbrushes
    When it comes to dental hygiene, “going green” is not the first phrase that comes to mind. But if you are brushing properly, you are also replacing your toothbrush every Read more
  • Balancing Act
    We’re all trying to find a healthy balance in our lives. Balancing work and home life. Eating a well-balanced diet. Balancing our budgets. Maintaining the right pH balance in our Read more
  • What is a crown?
    the doctor and our team at New Town Dental Arts hear this question all the time. Millions of people have dental crowns that artificially restore the chewing surface of a Read more
  • Happy Labor Day!
    Labor Day is upon us, and that means the non-official end to summer. Before the kids head back to school and temperatures start to cool down, this is your last Read more

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4939 Courthouse St Williamsburg, VA 23188-2687

Office Hours


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm





