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How effective is whitening toothpaste?

The American Dental Association encourages you to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to prevent dental problems such as tooth decay, bad breath, sensitive teeth, and gingivitis. Beyond Read More

Back to School? Remember Your Dental Homework!

It’s a busy time of year. Book lists! Supplies! New clothes! (How did they outgrow those shoes already?) And while you’re preparing your family’s list of back-to-school necessities, here are Read More

Easing Your Allergies with Latex-Free Dentistry

Imagine this scenario: you go to the dentist to have a cavity filled, and an hour after the procedure you have a runny nose, scratchy throat, and your arms are Read More

Why Do Molars Seem to Get More Cavities?

Probably because, for many kids, molars do get more cavities. So let’s answer two better questions: Why do molars get more cavities? And, how can we help prevent them? It’s the Read More

Dentin Tooth Sensitivity Treatments

Dentine hypersensitivity can be described as a sharp and sudden pain caused by cold food and beverages. It’s present in more than half the population and result from receding gums Read More

The Consequences of Sports and Energy Drinks

They’re refreshing and tasty. They’re easy to find and pretty cheap. They help us get through a long day or a long workout. They’re everywhere. We know it’s hard to say Read More

Periodontics and Braces Treatment

Most people think braces are all about their teeth. While it is true orthodontics is meant to move your teeth into proper position, there's more to it than that. To Read More

How do I know when I have a cavity?

the doctor and our team at Andrew I. Pupkin, D.D.S., P.A. frequently field questions about cavities and what causes them. Patients will typically ask, “I brush twice a day and Read More

Good Oral Health Habits When You’re Pregnant

the doctor and our team at Andrew I. Pupkin, D.D.S., P.A. will tell you that good oral health habits when you are pregnant are very important. A plaque or infectious Read More

Is gingivitis preventable?

The earliest sign of gum disease is called gingivitis (sometimes called periodontal disease), and is an inflammation of the gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to gum tissue loss, Read More

Don’t let a dental emergency ruin your summer vacation!

For many of our patients at Andrew I. Pupkin, D.D.S., P.A., summer means a season of relaxation, vacation, and outdoor fun and activities. While you can’t take a vacation from Read More

Pregnancy and Oral Care

Pregnancy involves a lot of alterations in your health. Andrew I. Pupkin, D.D.S., P.A. is here to help you understand the oral health aspects of your pregnancy. As you may already Read More

Ancient Grains for Modern Diets

One of the latest foods in dietary news is also one of the oldest—ancient grains. What makes these old-timers so appealing to modern tastes? Let’s run down the menu! Why Are Read More

Post Oral Surgery: Signs of Infection

Oral surgery can be intimidating, especially if you show any signs of an infection afterwards. the doctor and our team want you to be informed about what to watch for Read More

Healthy Summer Foods

It’s summer—that wonderful time of year when fresh and delicious produce abounds. the doctor will tell you that your teeth, gums, and tissues all rely on an appropriate mix of Read More

Good Dental Hygiene Impacts Overall General Health

There are many ways in which your oral health has an impact on your overall general health. There are naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth. Some of those bacteria, including Read More

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21 Crossroads Drive #350 Owings Mills, MD 21117