• Socialization

    With People With Children and Infants With Multiple Dogs With Cats and Other Pets With People It is important to get your dog used to meeting new people from the youngest age possible. Some breeds are naturally sociable; others are reticent. You'll want your dog to be friendly without being

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  • Socialization

    With People Generally, rodents are sociable creatures with their own kind — and with people. But they do have to have a level of comfort with people before they can relax and have fun. Be sure to acclimate your small animals to anyone who will handle them. Give them time to become familiar with each

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  • Special Needs

    Travel Taking a cat out of its regular domain is causes extreme stress. That's why your cat races out of the carrier and hides as soon as it comes home from the vet. It is not recommended that you take cats on trips. Find a friend or pet sitter who can come to your home and feed and play with your cat

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  • Special Needs

    Travel When traveling with a bird, you need to create a microenvironment that mirrors the bird's regular habitat. Portable cages are available, although you need to be careful about any collapsible parts. Be sure to have plenty of toys in the traveling cage and give your bird food and water regularly.

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  • Special Needs

    Travel By Car Many dogs enjoy car rides, especially with the window down, the air blowing across their coats, and the movement, sights and sounds. But some dogs are fearful of car rides or behave in annoying or dangerous ways. You need to take your dog on a few short car rides to understand how it behaves

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  • Special Needs

    Seasonal Needs Changes in the outdoor temperature at every season will require you to make seasonal adjustments to the temperature and humidity controls for your reptile or amphibian. Because the tolerance ranges for herptiles are small, you’ll need to keep track of the temperatures in your enclosure

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  • Special Needs

    Travel Moving a small animal from place to place, even in a cage, is highly stressful to them. Except for vet visits and a permanent move, it isn’t worth the risk of traveling with them. When you do need to take them out, use a carrier. Be sure it has plenty of substrate material so your pet can burrow

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  • Special Needs

    Travel Because rabbits are more often prey than predator in the wild, they experience a great deal of stress whenever their environment changes. Traveling is stressful for rabbits and should generally be avoided. However, when you do need to travel with your rabbit, remember that you still need to be

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