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March is National Nutrition Month!

While you don’t have to wait to start eating right, March is the month the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics asks everyone to pay special attention to what goes into Read More

Avoid Brushing After Every Single Meal!

Here is some surprising yet worthwhile advice you might be hearing for the first time: Brushing after a meal can be incredibly bad for your teeth if you do it Read More

Pick the right electric toothbrush!

The electronic toothbrush has undergone several technological advances since the 1960s. Everything from design and bristle motions to rotation, oscillation, and sonic vibration has led to dramatic changes in this Read More

Valentine's Day History

Valentine’s Day is best known as a celebration of love in all its forms. Pink hearts, red roses, and cute greeting cards adorn every surface you see. What many people Read More

Keep It Cheesy for a Long-Lasting Smile

You’ve heard people tell you to say “cheese” when you’re having your picture taken, probably more times than you can count. There is another reason you should be saying “cheese” Read More

Avoid the Emergency Room for Dental Problems

There are certainly situations when going to an emergency room is the best response for your problem. A severe injury to your mouth, jaw, or face would qualify. However, when it Read More

Be Good to Your Gums

You brush and floss thoroughly twice a day. You have regular checkups. Everything seems fine on the periodontal radar. Sometimes, however, even healthy gums can become sensitive and irritated. Is Read More

Xerostomia: Big Word, Common Problem

Xerostomia might sound like a serious and rare condition, but it’s more common than you think. If you’ve been feeling like your mouth is constantly dry, you may already be Read More

Is there a correlation between my dental and cardiovascular health?

YES!  Studies have shown a correlation between gum disease and heart disease, underscoring the importance of good oral health care. Cardiovascular disease remains American’s leading killer, claiming more lives than Read More

Make this the Year You Stop Smoking

It’s a new year, and it couldn’t come fast enough for many of us! Let’s do our part to make this a better year in every way—and you can start Read More

New Year's Eve

Watching the clock tick down the final seconds until midnight, many of us- John P Jou DMD & Thy A Bui DMD PC included- feel nostalgic about the passing year Read More

Fewer Adults are Visiting the Dentist

Our team at John P Jou DMD & Thy A Bui DMD PC recently learned that in the decade between 2000 and 2010, the amount of adults who regularly visited Read More

Dental X-Ray Safety

It's easy to be skeptical about X-rays whether we speak of a full-body X-ray or a dental X-ray. Radiation is radiation. It's vital to know all the facts before judging Read More

Tips for a Whiter Smile

Everyday life can take a toll on the whiteness of our teeth: Foods we love as well as soft drinks and coffee can stain them over time. Poor brushing and Read More

How do OTC whitening treatments compare to in-office whitening?

If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, teeth whitening may be an excellent choice for you. Many patients of the doctor suffer from darkened teeth due to Read More

Is periodontal disease genetic?

One of the most enjoyable parts of looking at family pictures is finding resemblances. You have your father’s brown eyes and your grandmother’s curly hair. You’ve got your aunt’s basketball Read More

Viewing 17 - 32 out of 101 posts


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