
  • Corrective Jaw Surgery

    Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, aims to correct abnormalities of the jawbones in order to realign the jaws and teeth to improve overall function. This surgery can also improve the outside appearance of your face. If you have problems with your jaw that cannot be corrected

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  • Cosmetic Gum Surgery

    Cosmetic gum surgery, or gum contouring, can solve a variety of cosmetic issues relating to the proportions of your teeth and your gums. For example, too much gum tissue may make your teeth appear short, while too little gum tissue will make your teeth appear too long. You may also have a combination

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  • Crown Lengthening

    If you are concerned about excess gum tissue or an uneven gum line, crown lengthening and gum contouring are minimally invasive periodontal procedures that can improve the balance of your gums and teeth, creating a well-proportioned and symmetrical smile. Crown lengthening, also known as a gum lift,

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  • Crowns

    Decayed, broken, and missing teeth affect your oral health and your self-confidence. When a tooth has suffered structural or cosmetic damage, a dental crown can restore a tooth’s function and appearance. A crown is a custom-made “cap” that covers the entire visible surface of a tooth. Your dentist

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  • Dental Exams and Professional Cleanings

    Brushing and flossing at home to keep up your oral health is great, but it’s also important to visit the dentist for checkups and professional cleanings at least twice a year. These checkups allow your dentist to identify any problems in your mouth that you cannot see just by looking in the mirror,

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  • Dental Implant FAQs

    What are dental implants? A dental implant is a small post that serves as a replacement for a tooth root. An abutment, also known as a connector, is built and placed on the top of the implant, connecting to the replacement tooth. The replacement tooth is a crown that is created to uniquely match your

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  • Dental Implants

    If you have recently dealt with an injury or disease that affected your oral health, there are options available to recover the smile you once had. You may even be able to achieve a better smile than the one you had. Dental implants make it possible to renew your smile if you have lost some teeth. There

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  • Dentures

    Missing teeth impact not only appearance, but oral health as well. If you’ve lost some or all of your teeth because of trauma, periodontal infection, or decay, dentures are one of the options which can offer you a healthier, more attractive smile. Full or partial dentures: Make eating and chewing

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