595 Buckingham Way Ste 330San Francisco, CA 94132-1911 (415) 731-6700

Common Foot Problems: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

The feet endure extensive stress and pressure on a daily basis, which can lead to the development of various foot problems. Some common foot problems include heel pain, bunions, ankles sprains, and toenail fungus. The experienced providers at Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA, treat common foot problems and can develop a treatment plan tailored to your condition and needs. 


A bunion is a bony bump along the side of the foot near the base of the big toe. Bunions can develop when the big toe moves out of place, causing the end of the metatarsophalangeal toe joint to slant toward the side of the foot. Factors that can lead to dislocation of the big toe and the eventual development of bunions include an injury, arthritis, a structural issue in the foot, or repeatedly wearing shoes that are tight or narrow. 

Bunions will not go away on their own so it is important to seek treatment. Without it, other foot problems, such as hammertoe, could occur. Treatment options include custom orthotics, protective padding in the shoes, foot exercises to improve joint mobility, wearing a night splint, removal of corns and calluses, or foot surgery. 

Heel Pain 

Heel pain is another common foot problem. It is often caused by two foot conditions known as plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis. With plantar fasciitis, pain and discomfort are felt at the bottom of the heel and sometimes along the arch. Achilles tendonitis is associated with pain at the back of the heel. Both conditions often develop as a result of wear and tear or strain from repetitive motions, running, playing sports, or other physical activities. 

There are several ways to treat heel pain due to plantar fasciitis or achilles tendonitis. Treatment methods include applying ice, custom orthotics, night pints, braces, athletic taping, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy. In some cases, surgery might be needed. The skilled podiatrists at our office in San Francisco, CA, treat heel pain and related foot problems and will develop a treatment plan based on your needs.

Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is caused by a fungal infection of the nails or surrounding skin. Walking barefoot around warm, damp areas, such as public swimming pools or locker rooms, increases the risk of developing a fungal infection. Other causes of toenail fungus include sharing toenail clippers or other pedicure instruments, and wearing wet shoes and socks. 

Symptoms of this condition include thickening or yellowing of the nails, darkening of the skin beneath the nails, white patches on the nails, and brittle nails that flake easily. Treatments include anti-fungal medications, medicated cream or polish, removal of the infected toenails, and laser treatment.

If you are dealing with any type of foot problem, we can help. Schedule a consultation with one of our helpful providers to discuss treatment for your foot problems by calling Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA, at (415) 731-6700.

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