595 Buckingham Way Ste 330San Francisco, CA 94132-1911 (415) 731-6700

10 Signs It's Time to See a Podiatrist

If you had an automotive problem, would you see a plumber? So, if you have a problem with your feet and ankles--or wish to prevent one--see a podiatrist. Experts in the structure, function, and health of your lower extremities, the team at Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA, help people stay mobile and feeling good. Learn more about why you should see Dr. Daniel Alberts, Dr. Richard Rolfes, or Dr. Jasper Lee.

Why see a podiatrist?

Frankly, they're an expert in foot and ankle care. Over time, your lower extremities can develop problems you may never have anticipated. Or, an existing condition may become more difficult to manage.

Accordingly, you should visit your podiatrist in his San Francisco, CA, office. He will examine your feet, take X-rays, do a gait analysis as needed, and recommend treatments to ensure your feet look, feel, and function well.

Ten signs it's time to see your podiatrist

Need more detailed information? Read these guidelines about visiting your podiatrist at his San Francisco CA office:

1. You are diabetic. Minimally, see your podiatrist once a year--more if you have active disease processes or deformities. Diabetics are at risk for amputation as their condition impairs nerve sensation, healing, immunity, and circulation. Your foot doctor can prevent problems from spiraling out of control.

2. Your feet hurt even after you rest them. If you're in pain for more than a day, come see us.

3. You have begun a new sport or exercise routine. Runners, take note. Getting in shape is great but puts you at risk for sprains, fractures, and inflammatory conditions such as painful plantar fasciitis.

4. You have thick corns or calluses. These skin overgrowths impact your mobility, but never attempt surgery at home. Your podiatrist will remove them safely, avoiding infection.

5. Your feet have changed color. They have an overall dusky look or have areas that are red, purple, or white. This may indicate impaired circulation. Slowly healing sores need prompt attention, too.

6. You have an ingrown toenail. This hurts and rarely improves by itself. See your podiatrist for partial nail removal and for ways to trim your nails properly.

7. Your feet look deformed. Arthritis, benign neuromas, and bunions change the appearance of your feet but are corrected or limited with prompt podiatric management.

8. You walk funny. Maybe you roll one foot inward or have other gait issues. You may need shoe orthotics (customized inserts) to correct the problem.

9. You cannot conquer your athlete's foot. Stronger medication and some information on prevention will help.

10. You work on your feet a lot. Your podiatrist can recommend ways to take the stress off your feet and ankles.

Contact us

At Stonestown Podiatry Group, we can recommend the best management and treatment strategies so your feet stay healthy. For an in-office consultation, contact your podiatrists, Dr. Richard Rolfes, Dr. Daniel Alberts, or Dr. Jasper Lee, in San Francisco CA at (415) 731-6700.

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