595 Buckingham Way Ste 330San Francisco, CA 94132-1911 (415) 731-6700

Benefits Of Having A Foot Doctor

Is foot care a priority for you? Visiting your San Francisco, CA, foot doctors, Dr. Richard Rolfes and Dr. Jasper Lee of Stonestown Podiatry Group, is a simple way to keep your feet healthy and reduce your risk of foot and ankle conditions.

4 advantages of seeing a podiatrist

Your foot is one of the most amazing parts of your body. Feet not only support your weight and make it possible to walk, run and jump easily but also serve as natural shock absorbers. Unfortunately, they're susceptible to injury and infections that may cause pain or affect mobility. Whether you already have a problem or want to prevent a foot or ankle issue, your foot doctors at the San Francisco, CA, podiatry office can provide helpful treatments.

You'll enjoy these four benefits when you see a podiatrist:

  • No More Pain: Have you been trying to ignore foot or ankle pain? Although injuries can often get better on their own, call your foot doctor if your pain is severe, lasts for more than a week if it's mild to moderate, or you can't put any weight on your foot. Common causes of pain include sprains, strains, fractures, arthritis, gout, plantar fasciitis, ingrown toenails, bunions, hammertoes, Achilles tendinitis and plantar warts. Depending on the cause of your pain, your podiatrist may recommend pain medication, braces, walking boots, crutches, physical therapy or other treatments.
  • Better Control of Chronic Conditions: Your foot doctor can also help you control the symptoms and/or progression of chronic conditions, like bunions, hammertoes, arthritis, plantar fasciitis and bone spurs.
  • Fewer Sports Injuries: If you spend too much time on the sidelines due to foot or ankle conditions, a foot imbalance or gait problem may be at least partly responsible for your problems. Your foot doctor will examine your feet, evaluate your gait and make footwear recommendations. He may also suggest orthotics, prescription shoe inserts that cushion and support your foot and keep it properly aligned.
  • Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes-Related Complications: Seeing a foot doctor is particularly important if you have diabetes. High blood sugar levels can cause numbness in the feet and affect healing. Your podiatrist treats diabetic ulcers and other foot issues and offers treatments that can help you avoid serious health complications.

Protect your feet with a visit to your foot doctor in San Francisco, CA! Call Dr. Rolfes and Dr. Lee of Stonestown Podiatry Group at (415) 731-6700 to schedule your appointment.

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