595 Buckingham Way Ste 330San Francisco, CA 94132-1911 (415) 731-6700

How We Can Help You Manage Your Bunions

Bunions are a bony protrusion on the side of the foot near the base of the big toe. Bunions can cause pain and discomfort throughout the day as they rub against the inside of the shoes, which causes friction and inflammation. Several treatment options are available. We can help you manage your bunions at Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA. Our experienced podiatrists, Dr. Daniel Alberts, Dr. Richard Rolfes, and Dr. Jasper Lee, can discuss different treatment options with you.

What are Bunions?

A bunion is a bone deformity that develops on the side of the foot just below the big toe. The joint connecting the big toe to the foot is known as the metatarsophalangeal joint. When this joint moves out of place, it causes the big toe to slant toward the smaller ones. This movement also causes the metatarsophalangeal joint to protrude at the side of the foot and form a bunion. Friction produced from footwear rubbing against the feet can irritate and inflame bunions, which leads to discomfort and pain.

Bunions will not heal without treatment. They can also lead to other foot problems over time. For example, untreated bunions can eventually lead to the development of hammertoe, which is another foot condition associated with toe deformities. Additionally, bunions can also lead to the development of bursitis or arthritis in the feet. At our office in San Francisco, CA, our podiatrists can recommend treatments for alleviating bunion pain, correcting the condition, and preventing further foot problems.

Treatments to Manage Bunions

One of the main causes of bunions is wearing tight-fitting shoes that squeeze the toes together. Wearing footwear with enough room for the toes to move can help prevent bunions. For patients with bunions, wearing supportive shoes with sufficient room and cushioning can help reduce friction and minimize the discomfort it causes. There are many ways to treat bunions, including:

  • Removing corns and calluses on the feet
  • Wearing a splint at night to realign the toe joint
  • Performing foot exercises to improve joint functioning
  • Wearing custom orthotics in the shoes to stabilize the toe joint
  • Inserting protective padding in the shoes to reduce friction and cushion the feet

In some cases, surgery might be needed to effectively treat bunions and prevent additional foot problems. Bunion surgery, referred to as bunionectomy, can be performed to remove bunions and realign the metatarsophalangeal toe joint so bunions do not form again.

We can help you manage your bunions. Dr. Alberts, Dr. Rolfes, or Dr. Lee can develop a treatment plan specifically for you. To schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists, call Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco at (415) 731-6700.

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