595 Buckingham Way Ste 330San Francisco, CA 94132-1911 (415) 731-6700

Receiving Treatment for Athlete's Foot

Do you still have Athlete's foot despite using over-the-counter products? Your San Francisco, CA, podiatrists, Dr. Richard Rolfes and Dr. Jasper Lee of Stonestown Podiatry Group, offer effective treatments for the condition.

Relieving your Athlete's foot symptoms

Over-the-counter products can help control Athlete's foot symptoms, but the products aren't always as effective as the commercials and ads promise. Although drugstore anti-fungal products can relieve minor Athlete's foot infections, they may not be strong enough to tackle a severe infection.

Topical medications prescribed by your San Francisco foot doctor offer a better solution. Once applied to your feet, the prescription-strength medication penetrates deep into your skin, killing the fungus that causes Athlete's foot. In most cases, you'll need to use the medication for several weeks.

If the topical medication doesn't relieve your symptoms, your podiatrist may prescribe an oral anti-fungal medication. You may need to take the pills for several weeks or months.

When to see the podiatrist about Athlete's foot

It's a good idea to schedule a visit with your foot doctor if your symptoms aren't improving after two weeks of using over-the-counter medications or you have severe itching or pain. Call right away if you have broken blisters that have become infected. Signs of a bacterial infection can include oozing blisters, pus discolored skin, red streaks on your toes or feet, warmth, or fever.

Don't try to treat Athlete's foot at home if you have diabetes, as the disease may increase the likelihood that you'll develop a bacterial infection. Fortunately, prompt treatment from your podiatrist can help you avoid a painful infection.

How to avoid Athlete's foot in the future

Although prescription topical or oral medication can cure your current fungal infection, they can't prevent future infections. You can reduce your risk of another bout of Athlete's foot by:

  • Wearing sandals in public locker and shower rooms and around swimming pools
  • Using foot powder in your socks to decrease moisture
  • Changing your socks and shoes mid-day if your feet tend to sweat
  • Alternating shoes to give sweaty shoes plenty of time to dry out
  • Washing socks, bedding, towels, and washcloths in 140F water to kill the fungi

Ease your uncomfortable Athlete's foot symptoms with a visit to your podiatrists in San Francisco, Dr. Rolfes, and Dr. Lee. Call Stonestown Podiatry Group at (415) 731-6700 to schedule your appointment.

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