595 Buckingham Way Ste 330San Francisco, CA 94132-1911 (415) 731-6700

Struggling With Ingrown Toenails? We Can Help

Ingrown toenails are painful, distracting, irritating, and immobilizing. Fortunately, the podiatrists here at Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA, Drs. Daniel Alberts, Richard Rolfes and Jasper Lee, are here to help—read on to learn more about ingrown toenails and how we can help.


Ingrown toenails commonly arise from the excessive trimming of toenails, carelessly picking at them, or receiving improper pedicures that are performed so that the nails are short and skin is softened, as this provides all of the circumstances for the nail to grow into the sides and pierce the skin.

Improper footwear can also affect the nail/skin balance, and either push down improperly on the nail or cause swelling in the surrounding area on the toe. The constant repeated pressure and possible trauma to the foot make athletes particularly vulnerable to this condition.

Left untreated, some ingrown toenails may cause infections, especially with the prevalence of bacteria under toenails. The pierced skin may also develop a deep tissue infection, which may lead to a bone infection, as well. Complications like this pose a great risk, and your San Francisco podiatrist should be seen immediately.


The best treatment is preventative:

  • Maintain proper foot hygiene
  • Trim nails regularly
  • Wearing appropriate, comfortable footwear

If you do get develop an ingrown nail, soak your feet in warm, soapy water several times a day, and contact your podiatrist if you suspect that there may be an infection.

In advanced cases, where the toenail has grown far too deep into skin or tissue, the ingrown nail may be removed surgically.


It's important to check with a podiatrist to confirm that you have the best footwear and hygiene to avoid this condition. The podiatrists of Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA, can help treat these distressing cases as well as offer preventative care to avoid such discomfort. Call us today at (415) 731-6700.

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