595 Buckingham Way Ste 330San Francisco, CA 94132-1911 (415) 731-6700

Bunions Causes and Treatment

If you have a hard, bony bump on the side of your big toe, you have a bunion. Bunions are a common problem, and our podiatrist can help you get relief. Dr. Richard Rolfes and Dr. Jasper Lee at Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA, provide comprehensive foot and ankle services, including bunion treatment.

What You Need to Know about Bunions

You can develop a bunion due to a bone deformity in your foot causing the big toe joint to point outward. The joint can rub on the inside of your shoe, causing inflammation and a bunion.

Women are at greater risk of developing a bunion due to wearing narrow, pointed-toe shoes, which crush the toes together. High heels add to the problem by forcing the toes forward.

One of the best things you can do to prevent bunions and take care of your feet is to switch to shoes with a wide-toe box. Your toes need enough room to move freely within your shoe.

If you have a small bunion, you can try:

  • Wearing inserts or padding to cushion the bunion
  • Taping the bunion to add support and stability
  • Taking over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medication

For large, painful bunions, it’s best to visit your podiatrist, who may recommend:

  • Removing corns and calluses to prevent friction
  • Custom-made orthotics and footwear to help realign the joint and your foot
  • Physical therapy to help you stay flexible and mobile
  • Night splints to help align the joint, toe, and foot

Our podiatrist may also recommend bunion surgery to remove the bunion completely. The procedure, commonly known as a bunionectomy, removes the bunion, realigns the joint, and realigns your foot. Our podiatrist can discuss bunion surgery with you.

Want to Know More?

To learn more about the causes and treatment of bunions, call Dr. Rolfes and Dr. Lee at Stonestown Podiatry Group in San Francisco, CA. You can reach them in the office by calling (415) 731-6700, so call now.

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