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  • Crowns

    Decayed, broken, and missing teeth affect your oral health and your self-confidence. When a tooth has suffered structural or cosmetic damage, a dental crown can restore a tooth’s function and appearance. A crown is a custom-made “cap” that covers the entire visible surface of a tooth. Your dentist

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  • Dentures

    Missing teeth impact not only appearance, but oral health as well. If you’ve lost some or all of your teeth because of trauma, periodontal infection, or decay, dentures are one of the options which can offer you a healthier, more attractive smile. Full or partial dentures: Make eating and chewing

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  • Fillings

    The bacteria in plaque produce acids that erode tooth enamel, eventually creating a hole, or cavity, in the tooth surface. Left untreated, this decay can spread to the interior of the tooth, and might lead to the need for a crown, a root canal, or even extraction. When caught early, your dentist can

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  • Inlays and Onlays

    Inlays and onlays are indirect restorations used to repair molars and premolars damaged by decay or trauma. Inlays and onlays fit more securely and last longer than fillings, strengthen compromised teeth, and preserve more natural tooth structure than crowns. An inlay is used to restore the center of

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  • Mouthguards

    While you’re living your active life, be sure to protect your smile. A mouthguard is essential safety gear whenever you participate in any sport or activity that could lead to dental trauma. Oral and dental injuries are very common for athletes, and often these injuries can be prevented or reduced

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Cosmetic & General Dentistry