• Hypertension

    Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, is a common yet potentially serious health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricacies of hypertension, shedding light on its definition, causes, symptoms, and the importance

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  • Immunizations

    Immunizations have been one of the single greatest advances in preventative medicine and an essential part of well-child care. Our practice follows the immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). For information about these vaccines, the diseases they protect against,

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  • Kawasaki Disease

    In the realm of pediatric health, Kawasaki Disease emerges as a distinctive and sometimes perplexing condition that significantly impacts children's cardiovascular well-being. This exploration delves into the intricacies of Kawasaki Disease, from its clinical manifestations and potential causes to diagnostic

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  • Mental Health

    Mental health disorders are common and can affect anyone, no matter their age. It’s believed that as many as 54 million Americans suffer from a mental disorder every year. It can be difficult for families to accept that a loved one has a mental illness. If you or someone you know is currently experiencing

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  • Nuclear Cardiology

    Nuclear cardiology, a sophisticated branch of cardiovascular imaging, employs radioactive tracers to capture detailed images of the heart's structure and function. In this exploration, we delve into the purpose, techniques, applications, and the evolving role of nuclear cardiology in the realm of cardiovascular

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  • Nutrition Tips for Cardiovascular Wellness

    Ensuring cardiovascular health goes beyond exercise; it extends to the choices we make in the kitchen. In this exploration, we delve into the nuances of a heart-healthy diet, offering nutrition tips and insights to empower individuals on their journey to optimal cardiovascular wellness. Understanding

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  • Obesity

    Overview Defining Obesity: Obesity is not just a matter of excess weight; it's a medical condition characterized by the accumulation of body fat to the extent that it poses health risks. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a commonly used tool to classify obesity, with a BMI of 30 or higher indicating obesity. Global

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  • Pacemaker Implantation

    Pacemaker implantation is a transformative procedure in the field of cardiology, providing a lifeline for individuals with abnormal heart rhythms. In this comprehensive exploration, we navigate through the purpose, procedure, considerations, and advancements in pacemaker technology, shedding light on

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  • Pediatric Arrhythmias

    Pediatric arrhythmias can introduce a discordant note in the delicate symphony of a child's health. Understanding the intricacies of recognizing and managing irregular heartbeats in the pediatric population is pivotal for parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. In this exploration, we illuminate

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  • Pediatric to Adult Cardiac Care

    In the intricate realm of cardiac health, the transition from pediatric to adult care marks a pivotal juncture for individuals born with congenital heart conditions. This article unravels the complexities of this transition, exploring the unique challenges, the importance of seamless continuity, and

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  • Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

    Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a circulatory condition that often goes unnoticed until symptoms become pronounced. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricacies of PAD, unraveling its definition, risk factors, symptoms, diagnostic methods, and the pathways to effective management. Peripheral

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  • Personalized Health Goals

    The Value of Setting Health Goals Health goals are a vital part of maintaining and improving overall well-being. They provide a roadmap for individuals to follow, guiding their health-related decisions and behaviors. During an annual checkup, discussing these goals with a healthcare provider can offer

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  • Physical Exam

    The Role of Physical Exams Physical exams are a cornerstone of an annual checkup. They provide a hands-on evaluation of an individual’s health, allowing healthcare providers to assess various aspects of physical well-being. These exams can detect potential health issues that may not be evident through

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  • Preventive Care

    We know your family's health is of the utmost importance in your life. Whether you are a first-time parent or have teenagers, it's important that everyone in your family is given the proper medical care they need. That doesn’t just mean visiting when someone is sick - that also means regular "wellness

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  • Product Recalls

    Child products, such as cribs and toys are often recalled due to a defect or hazard. It’s important to pay close attention to recalled consumer goods to protect your child from dangerous items. Visit this site frequently to ensure that the products your child is using have not been recalled by their

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  • Regular Cardiovascular Check-ups

    Maintaining optimal heart health requires more than a healthy lifestyle; it involves proactive engagement with regular cardiovascular check-ups. In this exploration, we uncover the critical importance of routine heart assessments, shedding light on the benefits, components, frequency, and proactive measures

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(909) 880-9993

1374 N Waterman Ave

San Bernardino, CA 92411

(909) 880-9993

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Edgar Alfaro-McField, MD


8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-12:00 pm



