Dr. Eric Ulve

Dr. Eric Ulve

Dentist in Green Bay, WI

Green Bay Family Dental

Dentist Green Bay WI - Dr. Eric Ulve

Dr. Ulve graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 1993, and then sought additional training and experience with the U.S. Navy through 1996. Dr Ulve joined the Family Dental Center of Green Bay in 2000 and in 2013 he assumed sole ownership of Family Dental Center.

He is an active member of the American and Wisconsin Dental Associations and served as President of the Brown Door Kewaunee Dental Society in 2011.

Dr Ulve's professional goal is to continuously strive to improve the quality of dental care and patient experiences here through innovation and personal continuing education.

His other interests include fishing, travel, and tending to his gardens.