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IFEA 13th World Endodontic Congress (WEC) was successfully held during 9th to 12th November 2022 at Santiago, Chile


⦁ The 2023 Annual Executive Committee and Board of Director’s meeting (BOD) is intended to be held onsite during 
The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) Annual meeting on May 3 to 6 2023 at Chicago, USA

⦁ The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of IFEA 2023 will be held during the ESE congress at Helsinki during 6 to 9 September 2023.


IFEA 12th WEC virtual meeting 2020
As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic the IFEA 12th World Endodontic Congress (WEC), to have been held in Chennai in September 23-26, 2020, was held virtually instead and with the onsite meeting in Chennai re-scheduled to 12-14, August 2021, the WEC was rebranded IFEA2020ne.

4,183 delegates registered for this 2020 virtual Congress. Congratulations to Congress Chairman Dr Anil Kohli, Congress Organising Chairman Dr M.R. Srinivasan, Congress Organising Secretary Dr V. Gopi Krishna, the Local Organising committee and the Indian Endodontic Society (IES) for this highly successful 1st ever virtual IFEA WEC. View the program for this virtual meeting.

For information, participation and registration related to the future onsite WEC IFEA2020ne meeting in Chennai, India 12-14 August, 2021, click here.

Virtual BOD & AGM meetings 2020
These were held respectively on the 6th and 13th September 2020. The unconfirmed minutes for the BOD can be found here, and for the AGM can be found here.

Photographs of the online attendees at the BOD and AGM can be found here.

Amongst business passed were amendments to the By-Laws, affirmation of the 15th IFEA World Endodontic Congress to be held in Sydney, Australia, 2-5 September, 2026, and confirming and welcoming the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Endodontologie (NVvE) (Netherlands Society for Endodontology) as the 42nd, member of IFEA.

New IFEA member
IFEA, welcomes Nederlandse Vereniging voor Endodontologie (NVvE) ( Netherlands Society for Endodontology) to the Federation (confirmation at the virtual AGM on 13th September 2020), and looks forward to a mutually beneficial association and strengthening of friendship with our Netherlands colleagues. Congratulations!

Vale Assoc. Prof. Ralph Reid 1945-2020

.IFEA, the Australian and international endodontic community were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Associate Prof. Ralph Reid, after 15 months of ill health, on the 15th March 2020.

Ralph represented the Australian Society of Endodontology (ASE) Inc in IFEA for many years and served as IFEA Regent for Oceania from 1998 to 2007. He was also long-term Chairperson of the IFEA Education Committee during this time.
Photo credit: Anders Wotzke

Despite these commitments, Ralph was also the motivator and Chairperson for the successful and memorable IFEA 6th World Endodontic Congress in Brisbane, September 2004, hosted by the ASE.

Most significantly to the endodontic community, was Ralph’s extended service as the Editor in Chief of the Australian Endodontic Journal (AEJ) from late 2006 to late 2016.
Ralph was also a longstanding international member of the American Association of Endodontists (AAE). Ralph’s endeavours for the advancement of dentistry were recognised when awarded fellowship to the International College of Dentists and Honorary Life Membership of ASE Inc.

We have lost a dear friend and colleague who enriched our lives – his beloved wife Christine (Chris), cherished children John, Pene, Jill, their spouses Leith, Al, Sean and adored grandchildren Brian (“BJ”) and Callum, Lily and Poppy, have lost much, much more.

We shall continue to cherish our fond memories of Ralph and the devoted service he provided to IFEA.

More information on Assoc. Prof. Ralph Reid’s life and contribution to endodontics can be found in Australian Endodontic Journal 2020;46;2;296-298 from which edited excerpts for this eulogy were copied.

A message from the IFEA Executive re COVID-19
30th March 2020

Dear Members,

We, the Executive Committee of IFEA, write to you in a time of unprecedented change to our communities, lives and profession as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This joint Position Statement and Dental Practice Flow Chart from IFEA and the IES (Indian Endodontic Society) will hopefully be of benefit to you all. Of course, as the pandemic continues to advance, these recommendations will evolve accordingly. A special thank you to all those involved in producing these documents.

In times like these, it is important that we all stand together and support each other in whatever way possible. The Executive Committee would like to wish all our members worldwide a safe time ahead. We wish that you all stay healthy both physically and emotionally. We encourage you to reach out to us and we will endeavour to support you during this time.

We are hoping to meet again soon as a stronger and tighter group of like-minded professionals to help improve the dental health of the community.

Best wishes to all of you and your loved ones, stay safe and healthy,

Luke, Cathy, Alan, Terry and Mark
IFEA Executive

An important message from the IFEA President
April 14th 2020

Dear President of Member Societies/Associations,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.

On behalf of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the International Federation of Endodontic Associations (IFEA), I thank you so much for your continuous support and participation in our Federation as a member organization. I very much appreciate it. It has been a great honor for all of us Officers and Board of Directors to work with you.

We, all around the world, are in the middle of uncertainty and pain due to the COVID19 pandemic. I wish that you remain in good health together with a quick recovery for your business.

There are some important issues of the Federation that I wish to bring to your attention.

The first issue is the 12th IFEA World Endodontic Congress (WEC) in Chennai India scheduled for the September 23~26, 2020. While we remain cautiously optimistic, nevertheless with the uncertainty of the duration of the pandemic, and associated international and national (Indian) travel restrictions, we must also plan for the likelihood the Congress may not proceed in Chennai in September. As we have 5 months before the Congress is intended to take place, I, along with the IFEA Executive and Board of Directors, and in consultation with the IES Local Organizing Committee intend to make the decision by the last week of May 2020. This would give us a 4month window to plan, based on the then existing global scenario. If we cannot have the WEC at the prescheduled time, we will need to decide as to whether we cancel it altogether or postpone it. As the pandemic continues to advance, these decisions will evolve accordingly.

The second issue is concerning the Treasurer. Since IFEA Treasurer Dr. Terry Farmakis was unfortunately severely injured by a car accident last year, he has not been able to regularly fulfill his duties. We the Executive, apologize to you the members for your inconvenience because the Treasurer’s duties have not been carried out for several months. The Executive Committee regarded this as an urgent situation for our Federation to resolve and after due consideration and regret, it was decided that in the best interests of IFEA and in order to urgently normalize the management of our Federation, there will be a change to the Treasurer personnel. The Executive thanks Dr Farmakis for his valued services to IFEA, and wishes him continuing recovery to full health. In the meantime, the role of interim co-Treasurer will be undertaken by our previous Treasurers, Dr. Catherine Ricci, and Dr Mark Wotzke until the up-coming General Meeting, where a new Treasurer will be nominated and elected. Dr Catherine Ricci (IFEA President Elect) as co-Treasurer will be contacting you in the near future to ascertain which Associations have paid their 2019 (and 2018) Dues. Other financial issues, such as 2020 Dues needs to be decided by the Executive, and whether payments for Research and Education Grant Awards have been made, also require clarification. Your cooperation and further patience in assisting with these financial issues and providing up to date contact details will be very much appreciated.

Regarding the timing and manner of the AGM and Board of Directors’ meetings, an announcement will be made in the future, based on the decision related to the 12th WEC proceeding or otherwise.

The third issue relates to the Chairperson of Research Committee. Dr. Christine Berthold has successfully accomplished her intended role as the Chairperson so far. Dr Berthold was instrumental in establishing the guidelines for Research assessment, and in recruiting members to the Committee and we thank her for her valuable service to IFEA. However, because of her busy schedule, and the need for the Research Grant applications to be readily assessed, the Executive Committee have nominated a valued member of the Research Committee, Dr. David Jaramillo to act as interim Chairperson until formalization at the next Board of Directors meeting.

I would like to wish all our members worldwide a safe time ahead. I wish that you all stay healthy physically, emotionally and economically.

I am hoping to meet you again soon.

With best wishes,

Sung Kyo KIM, DDS, PhD.
President, International Federation of Endodontic Associations

Brazilian Project 32
Prof. Manoel Eduardo de Lima Machado from Brazil has provided a link with the new video of the Project 32 subtitled in English.

IADT educational material
The IADT has recently introduced the 2020 Revised Guidelines for managing traumatic dental injuries.

FDI World Dental Federation educational material
This society is currently publishing a series with visuals to promote a project called Endodontics in the General Practice, with informative papers entitled a White Paper on Endodontic Care and Endodontic care strategy in general dental practice.



Vale Dr. Rafael Miñana 1935-2019
IFEA is saddened to advise of the passing of Dr. Rafael Miñana on March 18th, 2019. Dr Miñana was a renowned pioneering endodontist and educator in Spain, Europe and the USA. Amongst his notable service, and many achievements and awards in endodontics, Dr Miñana was president of the successful 5th Endodontic World Congress of IFEA in Madrid, 2001. More information on Dr Miñana’s life can be found here.


Dr. Rafael Miñana is seen here with the late Dr. Fred Weinstein. Prof. Paul Abbott is in the background.


New Members
IFEA congratulated and welcomed new members, the Bangladesh Endodontic Society, the Chilean Endodontics Society, the Emirates Endodontic Society, the Hong Kong Endodontic Society and the Indonesian Endodontic Association. These associations were accepted as members of the Federation at the Board of Directors’ meeting on the 5th October, 2018, in Seoul, South Korea.

Future IFEA World Endodontic Congresses.
IFEA announced, as a result of the member vote at the AGM in Seoul on the 6th October, 2018, that;

The 13th IFEA World Endodontic Congress will be hosted by the Argentine Endodontic Society in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2022.

The 14th IFEA World Endodontic Congress will be hosted by the British Endodontic Society in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2024.

The exact dates will be announced later. Congratulations was extended to both these associations.

The Board of Directors decided that the 15th IFEA World Endodontic Congress will be held in the Oceania Region in 2026. Member associations from that Region (Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines) are invited to bid to host the Congress. Bidding will occur at the AGM, during the 12th IFEA World Endodontic Congress, Chennai, India, September 23-26,2020. The closing date for the applications to be assessed, prior to the bidding, will be April 30th, 2020. Full details on the application process, including the guidelines for bidding and the criteria for the selection of Congress venues can be found here.

The Board of Directors decided that the 16th IFEA World Endodontic Congress will be held in the North America Region (Canada, USA, Mexico) in 2028. Bidding for this Congress will be undertaken at the 13th IFEA World Endodontic Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2022.

Other achievements during 2018 included;
IFEA reaffirmed its bond with the Asia Pacific Endodontic Confederation (APEC) via a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Board of Directors reconfirmed Dr Joe Maggio, assisted by his wife Karen, as the IFEA Registered Agent in the State of Illinois, USA, to ensure IFEA continued to fulfill its obligations to the State of Illinois where IFEA is incorporated.

IFEA Jean Laurichesse Research Grant Award Guidelines.
New guidelines were adopted for this Award. Read the full document here.

IFEA Education Grant
IFEA adopted the inaugural IFEA Education Committee & Education Grant Award Document to provide guidance in assessing and awarding Education Grants. Read the full document and the Application Summary.


Pioneers in Endodontics.
Colleagues may not be aware of the articles in the journal ENDO – Endodontic Practice Today Vol. 11, Issue 2, Summer 2017 (Quintessence). The issue features the endodontic pioneers within different countries throughout the world. (Thank you to past IFEA Secretary, Dr Cal Torneck for advising of this.)


Vale Dr W.C. (Fred) Weinstein 1939-2017
Colleagues in IFEA and the broader endodontic community were most saddened to hear of the passing of Dr Fred Weinstein on October 15th 2017, following a brief illness.

Dr Weinstein was highly regarded nationally in Canada and internationally for his pioneering service to the profession. Amongst his achievements he was a past President of the CAE, and a long-standing IFEA Executive member which included IFEA Secretary/Treasurer (1989-1995), President-Elect (1995-1998) and IFEA President (1998-2001). Fred also served both IFEA and the CAE with distinction as the General Chair of the 7th IFEA World Endodontic Congress, held in Vancouver in 2007. It was the immense success of this Congress through Fred’s leadership and his Committee, along with the dedication of the IFEA Executive at the time, that reconfirmed IFEA as the premium umbrella international society of endodontic associations in the world, when IFEA was facing challenging times.


Fred was a true gentleman and befriended all with his genuine compassion, and his smile, resplendent in the Mounties uniform as ambassador for the IFEA 7th World Endodontic Congress and the CAE, is etched in the memories of all associated with the Congress. IFEA at the time passed on its sincere condolences to Dr Weinstein’s widow Heather, his family, friends and CAE colleagues.

Dr Weinstein’s obituary in the Vancouver Sun can be found here. Fred’s memory will be honoured at IFEA’s AGM, during the 11th World Endodontic Congress in Seoul, October 4-7, 2018.

(Photos courtesy of CAE and Prof. Sam Dorn)

New IFEA World Endodontic Congress Guidelines.

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting in New Orleans, on Thursday April 27th,2017, approved new IFEA World Endodontic Congress Guidelines. Such Guidelines will be used for the selection and organisation of World Endodontic Congresses from 2022 (13th World Endodontic Congress) and thereon until further notice.

Bidding for the 2022 (13th) and 2024 (14th) IFEA World Endodontic Congresses.

So that IFEA has three World Endodontic Congresses (WEC) scheduled into the future, there will be bidding for hosting the 2022 (13th) and the 2024 (14th) WEC, during the 11th WEC in Seoul, between 4-7 October 2018.

In accordance with the new IFEA World Endodontic Congress Guidelines, the Board of Directors has decided that the 2022 13th World Endodontic Congress will be held in the Region of South America. Member Societies from that Region only are invited to bid for the 13th World Endodontic Congress following the conditions and with the application providing the information that is required by the Guidelines.

In accordance with the new IFEA World Endodontic Congress Guidelines, the Board of Directors has decided that the 2024 14th World Endodontic Congress will be held in the Region of Europe. Member Societies from that Region only are invited to bid for the 14th World Endodontic Congress following the conditions and with the application providing the information that is required by the Guidelines.

The application and bid proposal for each respective Congress following the WEC Guidelines, must be submitted to the IFEA Secretary Dr Catherine Ricci, no later than June 4th, 2018, for initial perusal by the Executive.

The member society proposals for the 13th or 14th World Endodontic Congresses that are accepted as being in accordance with the Guidelines, will then be invited to present the bid initially to the Board of Directors (BOD) at the Board’s meeting during the 11th World Endodontic Congress in Seoul Korea (4-7 October, 2018). Subsequently, the bidding Society is required to present the bid to the member association representatives at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is usually the next day, for voting by the member association representatives. The specific time for these two bid presentations (at the 2018 BOD meeting and the 2018 AGM, during the 11th WEC in Seoul) will be announced in due course.


IFEA welcomed the Lithuanian Society of Endodontology (LSE) into its membership at the GAM in Cape Town on 5th June, 2016. This increased the IFEA membership of country representative associations to 37.

IFEA President Dr Mark Wotzke, advised Regents and IFEA Member Associations on 11th September 2016, the following;

“…that the IFEA Executive in accordance with IFEA By-Laws (revised September 2015) and the World Congress Guidelines (March 2000), and after very deliberate consideration, reached the decision to regretfully withdraw the invitation to the Turkish Endodontic Society (TES) to host the 11th World Endodontic Congress (WEC) in Istanbul in May 2018. The Executive in acknowledging that the Congress was still 19 months away and that TES was the victim of circumstances beyond its control, nevertheless considered with the frequent and recent acts of violence in Turkey, including Istanbul, and the recent political unrest, that the safety of Congress delegates would likely be compromised if the Congress was held there at that time.

The Executive is sincerely grateful and thankful to the Turkish Endodontic Society and its Congress Organising Committee for the enormous time, effort and dedication needed to bid for the Congress and begin the process of its organisation, and is acutely aware of the disappointment felt by all in TES. The TES however, if it so desires, has the opportunity to bid again for future World Congresses, and I hope that at some time in the future the Society can hold a Congress in beautiful Istanbul.

It’s been decided by the Executive that the 11th WEC will now be hosted by the Korean Academy of Endodontics (KAE) in Seoul, Korea, in October 2018, (either 4th -7th or 11th -14th) and the specific date and Congress website address will be announced shortly. The Congress website will have preliminary information posted on it as soon as possible.

The change related to the 11th WEC in Seoul also means that the 13th WEC (which was due to be held in Seoul in 2022), will now be open to bidding by Member Associations to host the 13th WEC in 2022. The Executive will announce when this will occur in the foreseeable future. The IFEA website will be updated in the near future to reflect these changes along with other IFEA news. The 12th WEC is still scheduled to be held in Chennai, India in 2020.

In the meantime the Executive together with Past President, Dr Patrick Bogaerts and Regent, Dr Alan Nerwich are continuing the review of the Policy Document, “Guidelines for the Organization of World Congresses and Criteria for Selection of Congress Venues (March 2000)”.

I hope you will all be understanding of the unfortunate reasons for the change related to the 11th World Endodontic Congress in 2018.”

On the 18th October 2016 the President advised Regents and Member associations that “….the 11th IFEA World Endodontic Congress (WEC) in Seoul, Korea has now been confirmed as October 4-7, 2018. The venue is the state of the art Convention and Exhibition Centre (Coex). The theme of the Congress is; Endodontics: The utmost values in dentistry.

The Congress Organising Committee is working most enthusiastically in organising the programme and preliminary details will be posted in the near future on the newly established Congress website….”


At the 2015 GAM (September 18th) in Barcelona, Turkey (Turkish Endodontic Society) was the successful bidder to host the 11th IFEA World Endodontic Congress in 2018 in Istanbul. Congratulations to Dr. Faruk Haznedaroglu, President of TES and to all concerned for their successful bid.


IFEA welcomed the Egyptian Association of Endodontics (EAE) into its membership at the GAM in Washington DC, May 2nd 2014.This increased the IFEA membership of country representative associations to 36.


IFEA now has 35 member countries. Iraq Endodontic Club has joined while Endodontic Society of the Philippines and Columbia Endodontic Society have returned to IFEA.

India(Dr. Gopi Krishua) was selected for the 11th World Endodontic Congress. Thank you to Thailand(Dr. Jaru-Ampornpan) and Turkey(Dr. Hakki Sunay) for their applications to host the 11th World Congress.


The Endodontic Society of the Philippines rejoined our organization and the Iraqi Endodontic Club and the Colombian Endodontic Society had already submitted their application.

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