First Visit

Our office, as well as the The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Dental Association (ADA), and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) all recommend establishing a "Dental Home" for your child by one year of age. Children who have a dental home are more likely to receive appropriate preventive and routine oral health care.


You can make the first visit to the dentist enjoyable and positive. If old enough, your child should be informed of the visit and told that the dentist and their staff will explain all procedures and answer any questions. The less to-do concerning the visit, the better.

It is best if you refrain from using words around your child that might cause unnecessary fear, such as "needle", "shot", "pull", "drill" or "hurt". The office makes a practice of using words that convey the same message, but are pleasant and non-frightening to the child.

We invite you to stay with your child during the initial examination. During future appointments, we suggest you allow your child to accompany our staff through the dental experience. We can usually establish a closer rapport with your child when you are not present. Our purpose is to gain your child's confidence and overcome apprehension. However, if you choose, you are more than welcome to accompany your child to the treatment room. For the safety and privacy of all patients, other children who are not being treated should remain in the reception room with a supervising adult.

We strive to make each and every visit to our office fun, informative and memorable!

How are appointments scheduled?

Our office attempts to schedule appointments at your convenience. Preschool children should be seen in the morning because they are more awake, and we can work more slowly with them for their comfort. School children with a lot of homework should be seen in the morning for the same reason. Dental appointments are an excused absence, and missing school can be minimal when regular dental care is scheduled.

Since appointed times are reserved for each patient, we ask that you please notify our office at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time if you must cancel. Another patient needing care could be scheduled if we have sufficient time to notify them. We realize that unexpected things happen, but we ask for your assistance in this regard.

Do i stay with my child during the visit?

You Can Trust Us with Your Children

If your child is over the age of 3, we ask that you allow them to accompany our staff through the dental experience while you wait in the reception area. Separation anxiety is not uncommon in children, so please try not to be concerned if your child exhibits some negative behavior. This is normal and will soon diminish. We are all specifically trained in helping young children overcome anxiety. Our experience has shown that most children over the age of 3 react more positively when permitted to experience the dental visit on their own and in an environment designed for children.

We Invite You to Join Us for Their First Examination

We invite you to accompany your child to the initial examination. During future appointments, we suggest you allow your child to accompany our staff through the dental experience while you wait in the reception area. Our purpose is to gain your child's confidence and overcome apprehension, and we can usually establish a closer relationship with your child when you are not present. However, you are more than welcome to accompany your child to the treatment room. For the safety and privacy of all patients, other children who are not being treated should remain in the reception area with a supervising adult.

Financial policy and insurance

Dental health is a very important aspect of your child's overall health! We are passionate about dental care and want your child to receive the best dental care and not have it limited financially. We realize that the cost of dentistry can at times be a substantial investment in your child's health and are pleased to offer a variety of payment options. When extensive dental care is necessary, payment arrangements can be made with our financial coordinator. For your convenience we accept cash and checks, as well as Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards and Care Credit.

Our office is committed to helping you maximize your insurance benefits. Dental insurance is designed to defray some of the costs of dental care by paying only a portion or percentage of the total. Because insurance policies vary, we can only estimate your coverage in good faith but cannot guarantee coverage due to the complexities and individuality of insurance policies. Your estimated portion not covered by insurance is due at the time of service unless prior arrangements have been made with our financial coordinator. As a service to our patients, we will submit a claim to your insurance company. Insurance companies are required to process your claim in a timely manner so after 30 days you will be billed for any remaining balance not paid by your insurance company.

Our philosophy of treating your child using only our professional judgement, knowledge, and extensive experience is not compatible with the restrictive nature of many managed care plans (HMO's). Accordingly, our office is not a contracted provider with any HMO, DHMO, Medi-Cal or Denti-Cal. We accept any traditional dental insurance (indemnity plans) as well as any PPO plan that allows you to see a dentist of your choice. Additionally we are an in network preferred provider for:

  • Aetna
  • Assurant
  • Cigna as a Radius provider
  • Delta Dental as a Premiere provider
  • Dental Health Alliance
  • United Concordia

For a complete list of the types of insurance we accept, please contact us at 925.846.3336.

Many insurance plans state that you will be covered "up to 80% or 100% of services", but they do not clearly specify the local usual and customary fee schedule, annual maximums, waiting periods, or other limitations which reduce your insurance benefits, consequently the insurance company may pay much less than what was expected for services. We always endeavor to ensure your insurance company pays the maximum. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with your coverage and its limitations as some required services are not covered under the terms of your policy. You are fully responsible for all payments regardless of your individual insurance plan reimbursement rate.

Remember our staff is here to help with your insurance needs, processing, and questions.

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