12337 Jones Rd., Suite 350 Houston, TX 77070


(281) 984-9480

Strep Throat

Strep Throat

Dr. Funmi Salami of Whole Care Pediatrics offers strep throat treatment in Houston, TX, serving Tomball, TX.

How Does Strep Throat Affect Children?

Strep throat is a notoriously uncomfortable ailment. It can make it very difficult to swallow food and even drinks. The fever that often accompanies a sore throat can also make it harder to experience sustained comfort.

Still, most adults can deal with strep throat just fine. They may not be able to work for a while but should otherwise be fine. Unfortunately, strep throat experience can be significantly harsher on your kid.

For starters, the trickle-down effect of painful swallowing and fever can cause your child to lose their appetite. If that continues for any sustained period, your child will grow weaker.

Some symptoms of strep throat are more common in kids. These symptoms include headaches and stomach pain. As you can imagine, experiencing painful swallowing, fever, headaches, and stomach pain can be difficult for any child.

Nausea and vomiting are additional symptoms of strep throat that are more common in children. Since your child is likely avoiding food and drinks already, a bout of vomiting can put them at serious risk for dehydration. You must ensure they receive care before things ever get to that point.

Lastly, parents should take any case of strep throat seriously because it is contagious. The bacteria responsible for strep throat can spread through the infected person's conversation. Your child can also spread the infection to their siblings or classmates by sneezing or coughing.

Dr. Salami of Whole Care Pediatrics treats strep throat in Houston, TX, and also serves Tomball, TX.

What Are the Treatment Options for Strep Throat?

Antibiotics are often prescribed for strep throat. Unless your child is allergic to penicillin, the medication typically prescribed for strep throat should have no ill effects on them.

Make sure you and your child follow the doctor’s instructions carefully while taking the antibiotics. Don’t stop even if your child’s symptoms have disappeared because the bacteria may still be present in their body at that point. You need to complete the treatment regimen to ensure strep throat is no longer a problem for your child.

You should also change your child’s diet during this time. Give them more liquids and offer softer foods so they are easier to swallow. Switch back to their regular diet after their symptoms go away.

Dr. Funmi of Whole Care Pediatrics treats strep throat in Houston, TX, and serves Tomball, TX. You can schedule an appointment with her by calling (281) 984-9480.

Office Hours


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm



