Sleep Apnea Scottsdale

Sleep Apnea in Scottsdale, AZ Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Scottsdale, AZ

Do you have sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea affects how millions of Americans sleep every night. Those diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) will stop breathing multiple times throughout the night. This potentially life-threatening condition also increases your risk of certain health disorders like heart disease, heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure, and also makes you prone to more accidents, whether automobile or work-related, due to the excessive daytime exhaustion you may experience.

The standard course of treatment for sleep apnea is usually CPAP equipment, which delivers a steady, controlled stream of pressurized air through a hose that attaches to a facemask that is worn while you sleep. This air helps to keep your airways open to prevent obstruction and help you sleep better.

However, there are some people that experience CPAP intolerance, whether it’s due to latex allergies or mask leaks. If you haven’t found relief through CPAP equipment then it’s time to talk to us about whether oral appliance therapy could treat your OSA symptoms.

Oral appliance therapy is designed to treat those with mild to moderate OSA, and may actually eliminate the need for CPAP equipment or surgery. If you have severe OSA this oral appliance may also be used in conjunction with other treatments to help you manage your symptoms.

Each sleep apnea device is custom-fitted to your mouth to target and address your specific needs. Since all mouths are shaped differently, these devices cannot be one size fits all. This is why you need to turn to our qualified dentist in order to be properly fitted for your oral appliance.

What to Look Out For

Sleep Apnea in Scottsdale, AZ

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a serious matter as it can lead to heart problems and other health issues. It's possible you may have OSA if you snore and also suffer from any of the following:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Irritability
  • Poor memory/confusion
  • Accident proneness
  • Night sweats
  • Morning headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity

How Dentistry Can Help

Oral Appliance Therapy. By now you're probably wondering: What does my dentist have to do with all this? Here's the connection: Snoring or sleep apnea can sometimes be treated with an oral appliance available at Dental Works, in Scottsdale, AZ, that's designed to hold the lower jaw forward during sleep. This repositioning of the jaw moves the tongue away from the back of the throat, reducing the potential for obstruction. This treatment is backed by a great deal of scientific evidence; it's a good remedy to try before moving on to more complicated breathing devices or surgery to remove excess tissues in the throat.

Only a dentist can fabricate, fit, adjust, monitor, and treat complications associated with Oral Appliance Therapy used in managing SRBD. So if you or a loved one is experiencing any combination of the signs and symptoms mentioned above, a consultation with a dental professional is a good idea.

Interested in Sleep Apnea? Call Dental Works Family Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ at (480) 391- 0099 to schedule an appointment!

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