Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Seattle, WA

These days, our Seattle, WA, dental team offers a wide range of options to help adults who are missing one or more teeth. While tooth loss is a stressful experience, dental technology makes it possible to offer incredible lifelike artificial teeth such as dental implants that truly do act and feel like the real thing. If you are missing one or more teeth here in Seattle, WA, you could be a good candidate for dental implants.

What are dental implants?
Dental implants are made up of three main components: a small screw, an abutment, and an artificial tooth (typically a dental crown). The artificial tooth or crown is made to match the shape and color of your natural teeth, so your smile looks uniform and your implant blends right in.

What is the implant procedure like?
The small titanium screw is surgically implanted into the jawbone, which will then be given time to heal. Over the next few months, the tissues and bones will begin to grow around the screw, making the implant a permanent part of your mouth.

Once the healing process is complete, an abutment is cemented into place over the implant to connect the implant and crown. Once this is complete, a custom-made crown will be secured over the top of your implant.

How do I care for my dental implants?
You can treat your dental implants just like natural teeth, which is another advantage to choosing dental implants. While implants can’t develop cavities, it is important to note that this doesn't give you the license to neglect your oral health. Continue to follow your daily brushing and flossing routine, including your dental implants in your hygienic habits. You also need to keep up with your six-month dental checkups and cleanings so we can make sure that everything stays healthy.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants?
While technological advancements in dental implants have made it possible to now offer this treatment option to those with minimal bone density, the ideal candidate should have a healthy, strong jawbone that’s capable of supporting your implant. An ideal candidate will also have healthy gums and teeth that are free from disease or decay. This means getting gum disease under control or treating decay before getting dental implants. Those who do have significant jawbone loss may need to undergo bone grafting before getting their implant to ensure that the implantation is successful.

Fremont Family Dentistry is ready to help you restore your smile with dental implants.
To learn more or to schedule a consultation with our Seattle, WA, dentists, call us at (206) 267-7300!

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Fremont Family Dentistry


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