FAQ about Veneer Treatment

Have you been interested in undergoing a cosmetic dentistry makeover? If so, porcelain veneers might be the way to give you that brand new look! Read on to learn your cosmetic dentists here at Mount Lookout Dentistry in Cincinnati, OH, use veneers to rejuvenate your smile.
What are porcelain veneers? Also known as dental laminates, veneers are thin, tooth-shaped pieces of high-quality ceramic. They are realistically-colored and resistant to chips and cracks. They improve teeth that have deep stains, hairline fractures, poor contours/size, spaces between teeth and more. At our Cincinnati office, your cosmetic dentists bond these laminates on the front side of teeth using a permanent adhesive cement activated with a high-intensity curing light.
Who can undergo veneer treatment?
Most adults and some older teens can. However, the teeth in question must be healthy, and the patient needs to be free of gum disease. During a consultation, your dentist determines your candidacy by performing an oral examination and various digital imaging and photographic techniques.
Are veneers made just for me and my teeth?
Yes, this highly popular cosmetic improvement is highly individualized. Your dentist and lab technician consider many factors, including your desired results, oral impressions (and a three-dimensional model) of your mouth, as well as your overall facial appearance. Each veneer is specially shaped and shaded, including variations in color intensity, brightness, and translucency —just as no two people are alike, veneers vary to achieve a beautiful, unique result for each individual patient.
Do veneers hurt?
No, they don't. Your dentist may numb your teeth when he or she surface-prepares your tooth enamel and when the veneers are cemented in place. After veneers are finally seated, you may experience a little tooth sensitivity, but it will go resolve after a period of time.
Are veneers long-lasting?
Yes, most are. To achieve a stable bond between the teeth and the veneers, your dentist will remove about 1/2 millimeter of enamel from the front and sometimes the sides of each tooth. This reduction allows the adhesive cement to sandwich properly between the veneer and tooth surface and for your mouth to accommodate the veneers comfortably without a major change in the size of your teeth.
How long do porcelain veneers last?
The American College of Prosthodontists says that most veneer placements can last up to ten years. Regular brushing, flossing, and in-office examinations/cleanings at Mt. Lookout Dentistry are critical to the longterm success of veneers. Additionally, if you grind your teeth, see your dentist about a bite guard. Any habit that stresses your teeth, including biting your fingernails, may cause them to break, chip, or come off.
Contact us
Here at Mt. Lookout Dentistry, our professional team loves seeing patients healthy and pleased with how they look. If you'd like to know more about porcelain veneers and other cosmetic dentistry innovations, please contact Drs. Croop, Gosnell, and Bertsch at our Cincinnati office for a consultation appointment: (513) 871-2852, or visit them online at www.mtlookoutdentistry.com.

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