Rebuild Your Smile with Dental Implants

The dentists at Mt. Lookout Dentistry in Cincinnati, OH, provide patients with dental implants to rebuild patients' smiles after they experience tooth loss. Read on to learn how this amazing treatment works.

What Dental Implants Can Do For You

Dental implants replace missing tooth roots to provide proper jaw stimulation and support and prevent the collapse of your bite and loss of facial support. To be considered for this procedure, you must speak with your doctor to make sure this restorative treatment is right for you. People with poor bone density, inadequate bone height and width, compromised immunity, and unhealthy oral tissues may not be able to receive implants. In some cases, these contraindications can be resolved with procedures that enhance the bone and surrounding tissues prior to implant placement. 

Once qualified, the procedure is simple. Your Cincinnati specialist dentist numbs the surgical area using a local anesthetic to prevent discomfort. Next, a titanium cylinder is placed into a prepared site in the jaw, and is left to heal for 3-to-6 months so that it can fully attach to your jawbone. Yes, you read that correctly! The titanium cylinder is biocompatible, which means your bone will heal right into the surface of the implant through the process of osseointegration, wherein the titanium cylinder fuses with the bone and reinforces the jaw.

Afterwards, your doctor may give you some anti-inflammatory medicine and antibiotics to prevent post-operative discomfort or infection. You may also use an ice pack on the surgical area to prevent post-operative inflammation as another post-surgical care precaution.

When you return after several months, your dentist will insert a connector abutment and crown that matches the rest of your teeth. You'll then walk out with a functioning beautiful, complete smile!

The reason you should consider dental implants is because they have many advantages, including a 95% success rate, unmatched stability/functionality, and the ability to be used in conjunction with other oral restorations (e.g. bridges) to replace more than one tooth.

Interested? Give Us a Call

If you would like to learn more about dental implants and if they're a good option for you, then speak with one of the dentists here at Mt. Lookout Dentistry in Cincinnati, OH, today by dialing (513) 871-2852, or contact us online at

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