Dental Implants Restore Your Smile And Strengthen Your Jaws

Do you have teeth missing from your mouth that have left you longing for more from your smile?

At Mt. Lookout Dentistry, patients who have one or more missing teeth can find a lasting solution for their lacking smiles with dental Dental Implants implants, which have surpassed dentures as the leading restorative dental option for missing teeth.

What Are They?

Synthetic structures that are fastened to where patients' absent tooth roots would normally be, dental implants get anchored to the underlying jawbone while serving as the foundation for an overhead artificial tooth (to be placed later).

Implants are custom-created to fit perfectly in patients' gums, and won't be rejected by the body because they're made from a biocompatible material (think metal or ceramic), which the body accepts. Implants can even help you keep your jaw, as people with missing teeth sometimes experience such rapid bone deterioration in their jaws that they have pronounced bone loss and weakened jaw function.

Dental implants can also be used to fasten dentures or be the foundation for a permanent bridge.

Who's A Candidate?

Almost anyone who has significant tooth loss should look into dental implants. The one caveat there is that patients who lack proper bone density in their jaws or have a weak immune system might not be good candidates for successful implant installment.

Do They Require Surgery?

Dental implant placement is surgical both for the preparation of the tooth area and the placement of the implant itself. It takes the implant a period of time after it's been placed before it has sufficiently taken hold of the underlying bone tissue and is securely fastened in a patients' jaw. Metal posts are sometimes necessary to further connect an implant to the underlying jawbone.

Patients are administered anesthesia before the surgery and antibiotics afterward to fight potential infection from compromising the implant's future success.

The dentists at Mt. Lookout Dentistry are committed to bringing restorative solutions to every smile that comes into his office, regardless of how much tooth tissue has been lost already. Come on in today or call (513) 871-2852 to find out more about dental implants or any other dental procedures that deliver lasting smiles to all who want them right here in Cincinnati, OH!

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