A New Smile for the New Year

Figure out your smile goals for 2016 and how your Cincinnati dentists can help!

Once the ball drops and we welcome in a New Year, thoughts turn to resolutions and change. While some people may hit the gym or vow to eat healthier there are some people looking to revamp their appearance—and what better time to do it? If you want to improve cosmetic dentistryyour smile turn to our Cincinnati dentists for all of your cosmetic dentistry needs.

Are you looking to whiten your smile?

One of the fastest and easiest ways to remove stains and significantly brighten your smile is to get professional in-office teeth whitening from your general dentists in Cincinnati. In as little as one 45-minute session you can get a smile up to eight shades whiter. Those with yellowing stains due to aging or eating certain foods or drinks should consider our whitening system.

While professional teeth whitening might not be right for those with severe or internal stains caused by injury or taking certain medications, we offer other cosmetic options that will give you a more radiant smile.

Are you looking for a straighter smile?

While braces may not be exactly how you pictured starting the New Year there are ways to get the straighter smile you want without sporting thick metal braces. In fact, Invisalign offers teens and adults a way to straighten teeth almost invisibly with clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth. Enjoy the freedom of being able to remove your braces when you eat or care for your teeth.

If braces just aren’t in your future but you really do want a straighter smile some patients may be able to benefit from getting dental veneers. These thin porcelain shells are placed over the front of your teeth to change their color, shape and size. If you want to hide minor crookedness, overlapping or gaps between teeth dental veneers may be able to help.

Are you looking to fix minor chips and cracks?

Just as dental veneers can make smiles look whiter and straighter they can also mask other dental flaws including chips and cracks. If you are dealing with unattractive and misshapen teeth then it’s time you talked to us about how dental veneers could finally give you the smile makeover you deserve.

Mt. Lookout Dentistry offers a full range of cosmetic services to cater to anyone’s needs. Your cosmetic dentists in Cincinnati, OH are here to give you the smile you want to welcome in 2016. Schedule a cosmetic consultation with us today!

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