Give Your Smile A New Look With Veneers

If you are ready to see a brighter smile in your mirror consider speaking with your Cincinnati dentists at Mt. Lookout Dentistry about veneers.

Veneers are a very popular and common procedure for fixing cosmetic issues with your smile. Simply put, a veneer is a very thin ceramic Veneersor porcelain tooth colored shell your Cincinnati dentist permanently cements to the surface of a tooth. Typically, if you have minor chips, cracks, discoloration or spacing issues, veneers are an effective, non-invasive option that can last for many years. In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Prosthodontics in 2012 followed 84 patients who received veneers between 1987 and 2009. Of 318 veneers applied, 94.4 percent lasted for five years, 93.5 percent lasted ten years and 82.93 lasted 20 years.

The procedure is simple. After your Cincinnati dentist makes impressions of your teeth and designs and manufactures your veneers, all that is left to do is prepare the tooth by lightly buffing a tiny portion of existing enamel from the surface, then cementing each veneer to its corresponding tooth. Your new bright smile going to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Veneers are usually considered a good option for fixing and enhancing minor issues – a broken tooth, or a tooth that needs a root canal is probably going to need a crown rather than a veneer. Also, if you have gum disease or more advanced decay issues, your Cincinnati dentist is going to first make sure those issues are addressed before you talk about getting veneers.

If you have more serious issues, such as severe malocclusion, for example, your Cincinnati dentist may suggest other options.

To find out more about how veneers can give your smile a new look, contact Drs. Croop, Bertsch, Gosnell and Bertsch at Mt. Lookout Dentistry at 513-871-2852.

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