What is Dental Bonding?

Are you looking for a simple way to improve the shape or size of a tooth?dental bonding

Is there a tiny discoloration on the front of your teeth that may not seem like much to anyone but it certainly bothers you? Do you have little chips and cracks that have made your beautiful smile a little less than perfect? Is one tooth worn down, its smaller structure looking odd when compared to the rest of your teeth? If so, don’t fret. Our Cincinnati, OH, dentists Dr. David Croop, Dr. Ben Gosnell, Dr. Brenda Bertsch and Dr. Bob Bertsch have just the thing to repair these simple issues.

What is dental bonding?

Perhaps you know about the tooth-colored resin we use for dental filling. This resin is matched to the tooth so that when it is applied no one is able to see this resin.In fact, by just simply applying this moldable resin to a certain area or areas of the teeth we can hide these imperfections without invasive techniques.

Who should consider dental bonding?

As we mentioned earlier, dental bonding is a great way to improve small aesthetic imperfections that aren’t enough to affect the strong or integrity of your teeth but may have you feeling a bit self-conscious. Common dental issues tooth bonding can treat include:

  • Chips and cracks
  • Discolorations (that teeth whitening can’t remove)
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Malformed or misshapen teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth

How is bonding resin applied?

Once we determine that you are an ideal candidate we will match the resin to the shade of your tooth and then apply the first layer. Then we will shape it around the imperfection or problem area. Next, we will continue to apply layers of resin, as we see fit. Each layer is hardened using a special bright curing light. After that, our Cincinnati cosmetic dentists may also need to trim the bonding resin and then finally give it a good polish so that it offers the same sheen as natural tooth surfaces.

If you are interested in finding out more about dental bonding and what it can do for you then give Mt. Lookout Dentistry in Cincinnati, OH, a call today to schedule your no-risk consultation. Let’s find the perfect dental service to cater to your needs.

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