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Common Bite Problems Orthodontics Can Treat

Bad bites are common, but they can affect your oral health if left untreated. 

Crooked teeth and misaligned jaws can cause everything from jaw pain and chewing difficulty to speech problems. This is why it’s so important to get a proper orthodontic evaluation. Our New York, NY, orthodontist Dr. Frank Andolino is able to address a wide range of bite problems in both children and adults through different orthodontic treatments. By correcting these problems, we can greatly improve your oral health.

Here are some of the most common bite problems we treat,


When there isn’t enough space for teeth to erupt, they tend to crowd on another. Teeth that are crowded can be more difficult to brush and floss properly, which means that you’re more likely to develop cavities as a result. Fortunately, orthodontic treatment can treat everything from mild to more severe forms of crowding.


Do you have gaps or spaces between teeth? If you have oversized jaws, then this means that there is more room than is needed for teeth to erupt. When you have large spaces between teeth, you’re more likely to get food trapped in these spaces. You’re also more likely to deal with cavities or gum disease as a result.


When the upper jaws overlap the front teeth, this is known as an overbite. Of course, overbites can lead to teeth grinding, jaw problems, headaches and trouble chewing. If you are experiencing frequent tension headaches, issues chewing or jaw discomfort as a result of an overbite then it may be time to consult with our New York, NY, orthodontist to find out which braces can fix this problem.


When the lower teeth overlap the upper teeth then you’re dealing with an underbite. We often see this problem in children who may be chronic thumb-suckers or who excessively use a pacifier. Underbites can make it particularly difficult to properly chew food, and may even lead to TMJ disorders, speech problems and even sleep apnea.

Andolino Orthodontics is your premier orthodontist here in New York, NY. Whether you are seeking orthodontic treatment for you or your child’s smile, don’t hesitate to call our office today at (212) 753-5575 to schedule an evaluation with Doctor Andolino.

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