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Why Retainers Are Important

Retainers can help you maintain that beautifully straight smile for life.

Have you or your child just recently had their braces removed? If so, congratulations! What an exciting milestone. Of course, in order to maintain your beautiful new smile, our New York, NY orthodontist Dr. Frank Andolino will provide you with a custom-fitted retainer that you or your child must wear.

What does a retainer do?

A retainer is a custom-fitted device that fits over the teeth or a small wire that is bonded to the back surface of the top and bottom front teeth. Retainers are used to either prevent teeth from shifting out of alignment after braces have taken off or may be used to close small gaps between teeth instead of turning to traditional braces or clear aligners.

Does everyone need retainers?

If you have had your braces taken off recently or have finished orthodontic treatment with clear aligners, Doctor Andolino will recommend retainers. Since it is possible for teeth to shift back into their original position after braces, wearing a retainer can prevent teeth from moving.

In some cases, retainers may be used to help prevent symptoms associated with TMJ disorder.

How often do I need to wear them?

This is something that your orthodontist can discuss with you during your evaluation, as every case is different. Some children or adults may need to wear retainers all day for several months after having their braces removed, while others may need to wear them every day for at least 2 years. At some point, you won’t need to wear your retainers anymore during the day, but you should continue to wear your retainers every night, indefinitely.

What happens if I don’t wear my retainer?

It’s important that you follow your orthodontist’s instructions even once your braces are removed in order to maintain your results. As we mentioned before, teeth can move out of alignment, especially if you don’t wear your retainer as instructed. That’s why you should wear your retainer every night while you sleep. It’s simple enough and it can help you retain that perfectly straight smile that you’ve worked months or even years to achieve.

If you have questions about retainers, Doctor Andolino and his team are happy to answer any and all questions you might have. Call Andolino Orthodontics in New York, NY at (212) 753-5575 to learn more.

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