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Straighten Your Smile Discreetly With Invisalign

Say goodbye to smile insecurity when you get Invisalign treatment.

What happened the last time someone snapped a photo of you? Did you feel confident showing off your teeth or did you give a close-lipped smile like usual? If it’s the latter you’re not alone. More than half of Americans feel insecure about their smiles. So, if you or your teen is looking to correct a crooked, misaligned smile, Dr. Frank Andolino offers Invisalign, a completely clear alternative to traditional braces.

How does Invisalign work?

Once you’ve come into our office for an evaluation and Doctor Andolino has determined that you’re an ideal candidate for Invisalign, we will need to take digital impressions of your mouth with a quick, handheld scanner. From there, we will use sophisticated computer software to map out your treatment plan, which will include the step-by-step process of which teeth need to move and precisely how much in order to achieve your desired smile.

This information is then submitted to an Invisalign-approved dental lab, so they can craft your very own set of aligners. Each aligner is made from a flexible thermoplastic that is clear, comfortable and smoothed at the edges to reduce any gum irritation. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks at a time, for around 20-22 hours each day. With each new set of aligners, your teeth will continue to shift more and more.

What are the benefits?

The reason so many teens and adults turn to Invisalign is that this is a completely clear and virtually invisible system that you can wear anywhere without other people noticing. Other benefits of Invisalign include,

  • An orthodontic system that’s easy to care for and keep clean

  • Quick check-ins with Doctor Andolino every 6-8 weeks, instead of the typically 4-6 weeks with traditional braces

  • There’s no interruption to your routine, as you can remove your aligners prior to eating, brushing and flossing

  • A comfortable orthodontic treatment that is specifically made to fit your teeth

Don’t hide your smile in photos one moment longer. Our New York, NY, orthodontist Doctor Andolino can help you get a perfectly straight, confident smile with the help of Invisalign. If you want to learn more about Invisalign and what it can do for you or your teen, call Andolino Orthodontics today.

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