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Why Incognito Orthodontic Braces May Be Right for You

This orthodontic treatment offers a unique and more discreet twist to traditional braces.

While there are a lot of orthodontic options on the market these days, traditional braces are certainly still one of the best ways to straighten teeth because they are able to address a wider range of issues. Of course, our New York, NY, orthodontist Dr. Frank Andolino also knows that patients may wish to have a more discreet and less visible option. Incognito orthodontics offers the best of both worlds: it offers all the effectiveness and efficiency of traditional braces without being visible when you smile.

How do Incognito braces work?

Incognito braces are more commonly referred to as lingual braces. Instead of bonding your braces to the front of your teeth, like we do with traditional metal braces, we will bond them to the back of your teeth. Just as the name suggests, it makes your orthodontic treatment nearly invisible to those around you.

Incognito braces work the same way that traditional braces do. The brackets and wires apply the ideal amount of gradual but constant pressure and force on certain teeth to move them into place. Incognito braces can be used to correct spacing issues, crowding, bite problems and rotated teeth.

Who is a good candidate for Incognito braces?

If you’ve been told by Doctor Andolino that you need braces and that traditional braces would be the better way to straighten your smile, then you could be an ideal candidate for our Incognito orthodontic system. This system can address a variety of issues for teens over the age of 13, as well as men and women of ant age. If you are a working professional who wants a straighter smile but doesn’t want their colleagues to see their braces, then Incognito may be right for you.

Doctor Andolino is our premiere New York, NY, orthodontist, providing the latest and most advanced orthodontic solutions to children, teens and adults. It’s never too late to get that straight smile. Call Andolino Orthodontics today to discuss your orthodontic treatment options.

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