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Living With Lingual Braces

Posted February 26, 2018.

If you’re reading our blog, chances are that you or someone you love needs braces. As an adult with impending orthodontic treatment, you may be hesitant about having braces placed. Braces can mar the appearance of your smile, thus having a negative effect on your social life. Having visible metal in your smile can lower your confidence and alter others’ views of you, whether it be a potential employee or a potential date.

Incognito™ & InBrace™ Lingual Braces
Ask Dr. Frank Andolino about Incognito and InBrace lingual braces. These braces have brackets that are attached to the backside of the teeth instead of to the front. Because lingual brackets are located on the back of the teeth, they are not visible when you smile. As with traditional braces, wires will connect to these brackets and control the movement of the teeth. Lingual braces apply continual pressure on the teeth to slowly and gently guide them to their correct positions.

At Andolino Orthodontics PC, we utilize several different state-of-the-art lingual bracket systems. Using these systems, we can provide you with fully customized brackets, archwires and bonding trays. Incognito braces can be customized to specific, unique prescriptions, thus treating a wide range of orthodontic issues. Because of this, treatment outcomes are predictable, effective and efficient.

Living With Lingual Braces
Having lingual braces means that you can smile with confidence, as your orthodontic appliance is invisible to others! Your smile will be as beautiful as ever. In fact, your lingual braces will be slowly improving the health and appearance of your smile with no one the wiser. This means that your social life won’t be dampened by orthodontic treatment. You can maintain your self-assurance in social situations ranging from a date to a job interview. Smile and live confidently knowing that others are seeing the best you!

When wearing lingual braces, you can continue to eat many of your favorite foods. However, you’ll need to be a little more careful. Choose softer foods that are easier to cut or chew. Try to avoid sticky, crunchy or hard foods like bubble gum or raw carrots. Our orthodontist will give you specific instructions about which foods to avoid.

Cleaning Your Lingual Braces
Keeping your teeth clean during orthodontic treatment is very important, as at any other time. However, caring for your teeth is a little more involved when wearing orthodontic appliances like lingual braces. Food can easily get stuck in the brackets and wires of your lingual brackets, which can cause tooth decay and other issues if it is not removed. During Incognito braces treatment, brush your teeth after every meal. Make sure that you brush each tooth above and below the bracket, as well as brushing the bracket itself. Then brush all other surfaces of the teeth.

Flossing is also imperative during lingual braces treatment. Be sure to brush your teeth at least once a day. Consider using a floss threader to aid you in getting the floss above or beneath the wires of your braces. This will allow you to properly clean between your teeth and under the gums.

We invite you to contact our office at (212) 753 - 5575 today to learn more about Incognito braces and to schedule a consultation with our orthodontist in New York, New York.

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