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New Year, New You: Invisalign® Teen

Posted January 4, 2018.

A new year is here, and you’ve resolved to get a straighter smile. Now all that’s left is to figure out which way you want to do that. Andolino Orthodontics is here to help.

You have enough to worry about, with sports, music rehearsals, dances, and Snapchat stories. Why add broken brackets and loose wires to the list? As a teen, clear aligners are a great option for you. Traditional braces have their place, but it may not be on your yearbook photos for the next 2 years!

Andolino Orthodontics is a certified Invisalign® Teen provider. Invisalign® Teen gives you a whole new way to straighten your smile. Instead of using traditional brackets, wires, and bands, Invisalign® Teen uses computer-generated, custom-made clear plastic aligners to correct a multitude of orthodontic problems. Dr. Andolino may recommend Invisalign® Teen to correct crooked or crowded teeth, gapped teeth, or bad bites.

Each custom-made aligner shifts the teeth slightly, according to a completely personalized treatment plan. The aligners change every 1-2 weeks, constantly but gently shifting your smile into place. Invisalign® Teen aligners can shift teeth horizontally, vertically, or even rotate them when necessary. Invisalign® Teen is specially engineered to provide the correct amount of force at the right time. They are just as effective as traditional braces, with none of the restrictions to your daily activities.

Invisalign clear aligners are convenient, removable, and clear, making it easy for you to continue straightening your smile without interrupting your life. The aligners fit snuggly to teeth, and with proper care, they remain almost invisible. With recent technologies, treatment plans are completed up to 50% faster, giving you the smile you want, sooner!

As we mentioned, Invisalign® Teen aligners are removable, so tasks like brushing, flossing, eating, and selfies are much easier. If you are in the New York, New York area, schedule a free consultation with Andolino Orthodontics today by calling 212-753-5575. Dr. Frank Andolino and our team will be happy to help you find the perfect smile!

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