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Phone: (212) 753 - 5575

Beneficial Health Practices: Exercise

Posted October 17, 2017.

At Andolino Orthodontics, we understand that the mouth health is only part of the picture. Complete health requires taking care of your whole body and mind. We want to help you have the resources you need to lead a happy, fulfilled, healthy life!

One way to increase your overall health is to exercise regularly. There are some supposed barriers to this, but leading an active lifestyle simply requires a little pre-planning and a small shift in the way we think about our world.

Understanding that our bodies are vital to our well-being will help us take care of them better, and give exercise the proper respect it deserves. Treat your daily exercise like a work appointment. Don’t miss it! If you have a hard time remembering to exercise, set an alarm on your phone or in your planner. If you have a hard time staying motivated, sign up for a class, a race, or a competition to train for. Getting a workout buddy can also be helpful.

Arrange your day to make time for a little extra activity. This may mean getting off the subway or bus a couple stops early and walking the rest of the way. Perhaps you can take a bike to work, if your situation permits it. Stop the elevator a few floors before your destination and take the stairs. Go for a walk at lunch break, or while catching up with a friend. These are all great ways to put just a little more activity into your day. No need to get super sweaty during work time–anything that elevates your heart rate counts as exercise!

Exercise teaches us many life lessons–along with improving our overall health. You can learn that you are strong, physically and mentally. Your experience of day-in, day-out effort will strengthen your ability to be diligent in your daily tasks. It will teach you that with proper preparation and education, you can do hard things. These lessons will also translate into your oral health care habits: small but diligent efforts, combined with preparation and education through your consultation with Dr. Andolino, will help you work for the smile you want.

For more information or a complimentary consultation, call Andolino Orthodontics in New York, New York, at (212) 753 – 5575. Dr. Frank Andolino and our entire team look forward to helping you to positive general and oral health!

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