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Healthy Foods for Healthy Smiles

Posted August 21, 2017.

You brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes. You floss every day. You visit your orthodontist regularly. What else can you do for a stronger, brighter smile? Try integrating more of these tooth-healthy foods into your regular diet.

Fruits and Veggies: Delicious fruits and vegetables not only make you smile, but they even make your smile better! Apples, quince, carrots, celery, and other fruits and veggies are high in fiber. They cause your mouth to produce saliva, which is the mouth’s first line of defense against cavity-causing bacteria. These foods also help clean your teeth by scraping away the bacteria from your teeth. Fruits and veggies also contain high amounts of vitamins A and C, which are vitamins that boost the health of your gums.

Cheese, please!: The second food that can help your smile is cheese. Cheese contains calcium and protein, which are substances that can strengthen your tooth enamel and help you prevent dental issues, especially while you are wearing braces. Cheese is also known to raise the pH level in your mouth and lower your risk of tooth decay.

Yogurt: Yogurt can also help your smile. This is because, like cheese, yogurt contains calcium and protein. These substances can strengthen the tooth enamel. Yogurt also has probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, that can push the cavity-causing bacteria out of your mouth. This can help you avoid cavities and other oral emergencies.

Talk to your orthodontist, Dr. Frank Andolino at Andolino Orthodontics for more foods that can help give you a stronger smile! Call us today at 212-753-5575 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving you!

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