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Will Invisalign Be Able to Correct My Smile?

Posted July 6, 2017.

Many patients ask; “Is Invisalign as effective as braces?” Well, the short answer is that they work differently, but essentially achieve the same desired effect for the majority of our patients.

Due to the fact that Invisalign is a clear and removable alternative to braces, it is a very popular orthodontic treatment option for teens and adults. However, some patients are skeptical about the Invisalign process since it is a relatively new technology in the industry. Dr. Frank Andolino is an experienced orthodontist located in Manhattan that has successfully treated many different types of cases using Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?
The clear aligner trays are made from a high-quality thermoplastic material that will slowly move your teeth into the right place. Because the aligners are completely transparent, they are very difficult to detect. They need to be worn for no less than 23 hours a day; taking them out only to eat, clean, brush, and floss. Approximately every two weeks, you’ll change your aligners to a new pair that is slightly different from the last.

The Process
Invisalign is just as effective as braces for treating gapped or crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, and open bites. There are some cases (such as crossbites) that may require metal or ceramic braces with the possible addition of some appliances. Dr. Frank Andolino will be happy to consult with you to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

If Dr. Andolino determines that you are a good candidate for Invisalign, then we will create a personalized treatment plan using 3-D images of your teeth with digital x-rays and the iTero Digital Scanner.

Once Dr. Andolino determines your prescription, a computer program called ClinCheck plots the gradual course that your teeth will move. Invisalign then creates a set of aligners that corresponds with the intended movement of your teeth. Each aligner can move your teeth anywhere from .25 to .33 millimeters. The length of treatment with Invisalign will vary depending on the severity of your malocclusion. Once your treatment is over, Andolino Orthodontics will provide you with a retainer to wear every night.

The costs of both traditional metal braces and Invisalign depends on the individual patient. We will be happy to check with your health or dental Insurance plan for information on coverage for orthodontic procedures. The team at Andolino Orthodontics will be able to tell you exactly how much your treatment will cost after all of the above factors are taken into consideration.

If you’ve been looking to correct your smile without metal brackets and wires, Invisalign may be the right option for you. Dr. Frank Andolino is a certified Invisalign Elite Provider in Midtown Manhattan, and frequently uses the system to help patients achieve the beautiful, healthy smile that they desire. Please call Andolino Orthodontics at 212.753.5575 to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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