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Dentist or Orthodontist? What’s the difference?

Posted July 6, 2017.

To some, the difference between an orthodontist and a dentist is indistinguishable. However, something that many don’t know is that all orthodontists can be dentists, but not all dentists can be orthodontists! They are both considered doctors and deal with the teeth and gums, and specialize in oral care. So in this respect, they are pretty comparable. However, there are more differences than similarities. Today, we have Dr. Frank Andolino of Andolino Orthodontics to help you distinguish the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist near Grand Central, NYC.

What’s the difference?

Surprisingly, there are actually more differences than similarities between orthodontists and dentists. All orthodontists require extra schooling and more experience as a dental field. A parallel situation would be like if a doctor decides to take special training to become a surgeon in a particular field. If a dentist’s patient has a malocclusion, he/she should refer them to an orthodontist for treatment. Many dentists may try to treat their patients with Invisalign after taking a few courses, but this is not advisable due to their lack of training.

What do they provide?

Dentists typically deal with:

1. Crowns
2. Bridges
3. Veneers
4. Gum Disease
5. Tooth Decay
6. Tooth Whitening
7. Root Canals

An orthodontist is a dentist that specializes in the alignment of your teeth, and their services typically correct:

1. Underbite
2. Overbite
3. Crowded teeth
4. Misaligned teeth
And of course, braces, Invisalign, and other treatment plans.

What You Need VS. What You Don’t

While a dentist can be qualified to offer orthodontic care in addition to extractions, TMJ treatments, and fillings, putting your smile in the hands of an orthodontist can better balance the procedures you need. Orthodontists help with crooked teeth, but they help patients with other matters as well. These include underbites and overbites, crossbites, spaces between teeth, overcrowding of teeth, and the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. Other problems with the jaw should also be taken care of by an orthodontist.

Any Questions?

If you’re still curious about the differences between dentistry and orthodontics, then feel free to call Dr. Frank Andolino and his team at Andolino Orthodontics. They can assist in answering any questions that you might have about orthodontics near Grand Central, NYC. So what are you waiting for? Call 212-753-5575 to schedule an appointment and get the beautiful smile that you deserve, today!

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