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What do you need to Know about Braces for Adults?

Posted July 6, 2017.

There is a general misconception that braces are worn only by children and teenagers. The truth of the matter is that you can wear braces at any age, and today, adults wearing braces make up about half of all orthodontic patients in the U.S.. It is never too late to attain that beautiful smile you’ve been working for. Braces for adults have evolved considerably in recent years, and nowadays these devices have become more lightweight, harder to detect, and easy to put on and remove. At Andolino Orthodontics, adults make up over 70 percent of our orthodontic patient population and the numbers are growing as more adults strive to improve their looks and oral health. For those of you who think you may be “too old” for braces, Dr. Frank Andolino and his team have information to help ensure for you that braces are for adults too!

Why May You Need Treatment with Braces as an Adult?

At Andolino Orthodontics, our team recommends orthodontic appliances for patients to correct the misalignment of their teeth. Misaligned or crooked teeth can not only have an effect on our appearance and hinder our self-esteem, but can be one of the lead causes of both serious oral and systemic health risks in the future.

For instance, poorly aligned teeth and crossbites can increase the likelihood of plaque buildup and also trap food. These, in turn, increase the chances of the individual developing gum diseases, periodontal complications and even heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Crooked teeth not only look bad, but may lead to tooth decay, toothache, earache, and headaches. Improperly aligned teeth are more prone to chipping and excessive wear, and can also cause problems while chewing food. This may eventually lead to gastrointestinal complications.

Improperly aligned teeth may cause problems when speaking as well. Apart from making an individual shy about his or her appearance, misaligned teeth may also prevent people working in certain industries or in client-facing jobs from achieving their professional goals.

All of the above conditions are reasons for starting orthodontic treatment immediately as prolonging the decision can lead to irreparable damage.

What are the Different Types of Braces for Adults?

Andolino Orthodontics offers a wide range of orthodontic treatment options currently available for adults:

1. Traditional Metal Braces: These are made of high-quality stainless steel, are comfortable and usually slightly less expensive if cost is a primary factor.

2. Clear Ceramic Braces: These are preferred by many people who want their braces to be less conspicuous, for aesthetic or professional reasons. Clear ceramic braces for adults are fitted to the front of the teeth and closely match the color of the individual’s teeth.

3. Lingual or Concealed Braces: These braces are worn at the back or tongue side of the teeth and cannot be seen. These braces are 100% custom made for each patient and are the most accurate and advanced braces available today.

4. Invisalign a.k.a “Invisible” Braces: These clear, easily-removable aligners are ideal for people with a wide range of issues, but would prefer to have the flexibility of removing the appliances from time to time.The aligners are able to be removed while eating, brushing teeth, and flossing, making these healthy and hygienic choices for the individual wearing them. These braces are almost invisible and are preferred by people who feel self-conscious about appearing in public with braces on. At Andolino Orthodontics, Invisalign treatment is often a top choice for our adult patients.
The best way to find out which adult orthodontic treatment plan is right for you is by setting up a complimentary consultation with Andolino Orthodontics in Midtown, NYC! If you have misaligned or crooked teeth, or just want to improve your smile, orthodontic treatment for adults may be the right choice for you. Remember, there is no age limit to orthodontic appliances and orthodontic treatment. To learn more about adult braces, or to make an appointment with Dr. Frank Andolino, call us today at 212-753-5575!

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