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5 Ways To Incorporate Fitness Into Your Day

Posted July 6, 2017.

Exercise improves concentration and focus. Unfortunately it’s difficult for many of us to find time to incorporate fitness into our everyday lives. Fret not! Here’s a few ways to weave it into your day.

1. Turn Your Commute Into Productive Time

There’s plenty of exercise opportunities during your daily commute and it is the one part of your day you absolutely can’t avoid no matter how hard you try.

Consider riding your bike or a Citibike to work.
Get off the subway or bus a few stops early and walk the rest of the way.
Incorporating exercise into the daily commute is as easy as leaving the house and enjoying a leisurely stroll.

2. Spend Your Lunch Hour in the Park
The act of walking a few blocks to the park counts as exercise, while the park bench is a fitness tool you can do everything from bench push-ups to jumping squats using it. Anything that gets your heart rate up is considered a type of fitness and will help with build and/or maintain muscle tone.

3. Incorporating Business during Meetings
Meetings doesn’t have to always be held in a conference room or over lunch. Consider talking business that involve some type of fitness activity. Here are some ideas of adding a physical edge to your meetings:

Golf meetings
Cycling or jogging – Exercise at a slower talkable pace
Pick-up Basketball – Talk trash and your company’s quarterly results.
Walking meetings – If getting all sweaty isn’t on the agenda, walking meetings are a great way to get some light exercise, and the change of scenery stimulates the mind and help reduce stress level.

4. Workout at Your Desk

If hitting the gym is too hard, then you should click here for 6 simple exercises you can do in the office without hot and flustered.

5. Treat Exercise Like an Appointment

Give your fitness the sense of importance it deserve by treating it like an appointment. Set reminders to workout on your smartphone and commit to it. If you have someone or something reminding you to do something everyday, you’re more likely to do it.


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