Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry Services


Chipped, cracked, and broken teeth can not only affect your overall self-confidence, but can affect your oral health. In addition to taking away from your smile, these dental issues can lead to sensitivity, chewing discomfort, cavities, and infections. At Horizons Dental, Dr. Leyder provides a range of advanced dentistry techniques to restore your smile and alleviate any oral health issues. Our patients are able to choose from veneers, bonding, gum recontouring, crowns, caps, bridges, dentures, and fillings. Call (231) 780-4100 today to schedule a consultation to learn which restorative dental procedures best suit your needs.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored porcelain that Dr. Leyder can use to cover stains or mask flaws such as cracked, broken, or misshapen teeth. Porcelain veneers are sometimes referred to as "instant orthodontics" because they can also be applied to straighten the appearance of a crooked smile.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

By applying a thin coating of a tooth-colored resin composite material to teeth, Dr. Ronald Leyder can improve the appearance of a number of cosmetic flaws. In many cases, cosmetic bonding is more affordable and just as effective as porcelain veneers, though results will not last as long.

Gum Recontouring

When a person's gums extend too far onto the tooth surface, he or she is said to have a "gummy" smile. In just a few painless office visits, Dr. Leyder can use a diode laser to gently sculpt the gum line into a more pleasing proportion, making teeth appear larger and the smile more brilliant.

Dental Crowns

When a tooth has been damaged by a cavity, or if a tooth has been fractured, Dr. Leyder will place a crown over the entire tooth surface to restore functionality and appearance by sealing the tooth from further damage.

Dental Bridges

If a patient is missing one or more teeth but is not necessarily a good candidate for dentures or dental implants, he or she may be fitted with a dental bridge. A bridge is an artificial tooth that is held in place by a dental crown on either side of the gap created by the missing tooth.


At Horizons Dental, we offer both full and partial dentures to our patients. Unlike dental bridges or dental implants, dentures are removable replacement teeth. Dr. Leyder uses the most modern materials and methods to create our patients' dentures, so they can always be assured of a comfortable fit and the most realistic appearance.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Horizons Dental offers different options for fillings. The most popular is composite, or tooth-colored fillings. White fillings are virtually undetectable which makes your smile healthy and beautiful at the same time.

Call (231) 780-4100 today or make an appointment online for your smile makeover consultation.

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