Tired of Dental Stains? We Can Help

Maintain a vibrant smile through simple at-home care or through professional cosmetic dentistry. 

Preventing dental stains is much easier than trying to treat these stains once they appear. Simple changes to your daily routine can make quite an impact on the health and appearance of your smile. While you can always turn to our Brentwood, TN, dentist Dr. Mark Warden to get teeth whitening or other cosmetic dentistry, here are some simple ways that you can prevent stains from forming in the first place,

Alter Your Diet 

The foods and drinks you consume can have a significant effect on the color of your teeth. Most dark foods and drinks will stain teeth over time. While we know how difficult it can be to remove all of these foods and drinks, we highly recommend limiting these items,

  • Sodas
  • Sports drinks
  • Wine
  • Coffee and black tea
  • Berries
  • Citrus fruits
  • Dark condiments (e.g. mustard; soy sauce; BBQ sauce)
  • Tomatoes and tomato sauce

If you do eat any of these foods, it’s important to rinse your mouth out with water immediately after. If you’ve consumed something acidic you will want to rinse your mouth out and then wait about 30 minutes before brushing.

Use Whitening Toothpaste 

If you don’t already use whitening toothpaste you may want to consider it. After all, whitening toothpaste contains abrasives and other ingredients that can scrub away superficial stains while also preventing news stains from forming. Look for toothpaste that contain whitening ingredients such as peroxide, baking soda or magnesium carbonate.

Brush and Floss Regularly 

The only way to keep your smile healthy and stain-free is to make sure that you are maintaining good oral hygiene. This means brushing twice a day and flossing daily.

If you’ve improved your oral routine, tried whitening toothpaste and even used over-the-counter whitening products but are still dealing with a dull smile then it may be time to consider getting cosmetic dentistry. Our Brentwood, TN, cosmetic dentist offers everything from dental bonding and teeth whitening to dental veneers to hide even the most severe stains.

While nothing can take the place of good oral hygiene, if you are looking to remove more severe or widespread stains then it’s time to discuss the different cosmetic dentistry options our Brentwood, TN, dentist has to offer. To schedule a cosmetic consultation call Brentwood Dental Center at (615) 373-8307.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


7:15 am-4:00 pm


7:15 am-4:00 pm


7:15 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm








What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "I have recommended Brentwood Dental Center to numerous people over the years, and will most definitely continue to do so in the future. They are THE very best in the business, and successfully strive to make a positive impact on people's lives, their health, and their happiness!"
    Robbin Tillman and family
  • "I just wanted to thank you for being a quality dental practice and always providing the best possible care to your patients. While I have been a patient for years, my daughter (a student at University of Tennessee) has been an intermittent patient and recently experienced shabby and dishonest service at a dental office in Knoxville. She was told she needed expensive treatment for a non-existent condition so she came to Brentwood Dental Center over her break and received proper treatment.

    Thank you for upholding your high professional standards and always being a team we can trust."