The Benefits of Dental Sealants

Here at TLC Family Dentistry's office in Lee's Summit, MO, Drs. Jamie Thurman-Taylor and Erica Ketchem, make it their mission to provide high-quality dentistry for children. They love helping kids remain cavity-free, which is why they use plastic sealants! Read on to learn more about what this effective preventive service can do for your young one!

The back teeth

The molars are most prone to tooth decay because of their deeply grooved chewing surfaces. In fact, what the American Dental Association calls "pit and fissure" decay on back teeth accounts for nearly 43 percent of all cavities in six and seven-year-olds.

Twice daily brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, daily flossing, and a tooth-healthy diet, all aid in preventing decay, as do fluoride treatments and regularly drinking fluoridated water. However, some children (and adults) need additional protection against decay—this is where sealants come in!

Additional protection: plastic sealants

Plastic sealants are one of the simplest most economical forms of preventatives dentistry. At our Lee's Summit office, Dr. Thurman-Taylor and Dr. Ketchem recommend the application of these thin plastic coatings on the teeth that seem most susceptible to decay.

Dear Doctor encourages parents that sealant application is quick and painless. The dentist simply checks the health of the tooth and then cleans and dries them. She then applies a very mild etching liquid so that the plastic adheres well to the tooth enamel.

Next comes the sealant itself, a tooth-colored varnish which penetrates and coats all the convoluted surfaces on the top of the tooth. Finally, a special UV light hardens the plastic, and the procedure is over. In all, the treatment takes about ten minutes per tooth.

Plastic sealants last for up to ten years and may be re-applied as needed. They wear well and block the action of oral bacteria, which secrete corrosive acids on tooth surfaces. The Centers for Disease Control urges parents to consider every possible preventive treatment for their children. Why? Well, statistics show that tooth decay is the most prevalent chronic health problem affecting young children. With dental sealants, you are taking a fantastic step towards improving your young one's dental health!

Contact us

As you can see, plastic sealants are a wonderful tool that your dentist can use to keep your children's teeth bright and healthy. For more information, ask us at your child's next routine visit. To book that appointment, please call TLC Family Dentistry at (816) 537-6161.

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