5 Questions You Should Be Asking Your Child’s Dentist

Your Lee's Summit dentist can tell you what you need to know for your child's oral health

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry reports that tooth decay is the leading chronic disease that affects toddlers. Because children are as equally prone to oral health conditions as adults, it is important that they see a dentist for the first time by the time of their first birthday.

Your child’s first visit to the dentist is an important occasion for you as well. It’s the time for you to learn about all the ways you can contribute to your child’s oral health. A dentist who is well-qualified in dentistry for children will be your primary source of dental health care information, so make the most of your child’s first appointment by asking lots of questions like the ones below.

Are there any foods my child should not be eating?

There are some foods that can stain, chip, or otherwise harm your child’s teeth, and you should be aware of them. Your dentist will be able to provide you with a list of foods your child should avoid, and they can also let you know which foods are good for teeth.

What sorts of habits negatively impact children’s oral health?

Children tend to have a lot of habits that can affect tooth development. Your dentist may warn you to look out for some of the following:

  • Nail biting
  • Thumb sucking
  • Long-term pacifier use

How do I clean my child’s teeth?

Your dentist will be able to provide you with detailed instructions of how to brush your child’s teeth. Proper cleaning reduces the risk of plaque buildup, which means you’ll also be reducing the risk of tooth decay.

How much fluoride does my child need?

Fluoride is critical to healthy tooth development, but it’s hard to gauge how much your child needs. Your dentist, skilled in dentistry for children, will be able to evaluate the amount of fluoride intake your child should be getting.

How often should my child get dental checkups?

Frequent dental checkups are essential to maintaining good oral health, and good oral health will help ensure your child will speak and chew properly.

Has your child already had a first dental visit? If there are any questions on this list you forgot to ask, or if you have any other questions, please call our office for more information.

To learn more about dentistry for children in the Lee Summit, MO area, call (816) 537-6161 today!

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