How to Take Care of My Veneers

Imperfect teeth can be the cause of embarrassment for many people around the world. Turning misaligned, chipped or discolored teeth into the perfect Hollywood smile is on the top of bucket lists everywhere. Thankfully, porcelain veneers are the easiest way to accomplish this. They are painless, long-lasting and easy to care for, making them a top choice.Veneers

What are veneers? 
Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are fitted over the front of the teeth. They are custom made by dental technicians in labs, using a mold taken of the patient’s teeth and mouth. Veneers are used to fix tooth discolorations, chipped or broken teeth, misshapen or crooked teeth, or even to correct teeth with gaps between them.

How are veneers installed? 
Usually, this process takes three trips to the dentist. The first trip will consist of a consultation and x-rays, then a mold of the teeth is taken. The second appointment will usually mean numbing the area of the teeth being worked on, and filing off about a 1/2 millimeter of enamel from the tooth. This is about the same width as the veneer being installed. Another mold is taken of the teeth, and then it is sent to a lab to help construct the final veneers. On your next visit, the custom veneers will be bonded to the teeth.

How do I take care of my veneers?
Aftercare of dental veneers is the most important factor in ensuring that the teeth stay healthy and clean. Since veneers generally last between 5 and 10 years, it is crucial that good oral hygiene routines are in play. Veneers do not necessarily require any extra care, but the following measures should always be remembered:

  • Ongoing care: Regular examinations every 6 months make it easy for dentists to find early-stage problems with the natural teeth or veneers, meaning those problems can be treated sooner and without further complications. This also helps the dentist determine if any veneers should be replaced due to discoloration, wear or trauma.
  • Brushing and flossing: This step may seem like a no-brainer, but it is critical in maintaining healthy oral hygiene. Using a toothpaste that contains fluoride, flossing and using a fluoride mouthwash in the morning, after meals, and before bed can help tremendously in providing the proper safeguards to give your veneers a longer life.
  • Taking precautions: Just like natural teeth, veneers can crack or break from chewing hard objects. Biting or chewing excessively hard can also cause trauma to the veneers, and should be avoided.

The staff at TLC Family Dentistry in Lee’s Summit, MO are dedicated to professional and friendly care for patients of all ages. Call us today at 816-537-6161 to schedule an appointment!

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