Which cosmetic dentistry procedure is right for me?

Visiting your dentist at TLC Family Dentistry in Lees Summit, MO for cosmetic dentistry is an excellent way to finally achieve a beautiful smile you can't help but show off every chance you get. First, however, you have to decide which cosmetic dentistry procedure is best for you. Read over the following common cosmetic dentistry procedures and then talk to your Lees Summit, MO dentists Dr. Jamie Dental ImplantsThurman-Taylor and Dr. Garret Guthrie about your options today.

Dental Bonding

If you have minor cracks, chips, cavities and discoloration, especially in your front teeth, or if your teeth are an awkward size or shape, dental bonding may be just the solution you are looking for. With dental bonding, your Lees Summit, MO dentists will use a special dental bonding material to cover or correct any small imperfections, giving you a beautiful smile you're sure to love.

Teeth Whitening

It's difficult to be proud of your smile when it is yellow, dingy or discolored. Finally achieve the beautiful, white smile you've been wanting with professional teeth whitening. Fast, easy, safe and effective, teeth whitening from TLC Family Dentistry can give you a brand new smile in as little as one office visit.

Dental Veneers

Why visit TLC Family Dentistry for multiple procedures when you can cover a number of different dental imperfections with a single procedure? Dental veneers can straighten crooked teeth, whiten discolored teeth, fill in gaps between your teeth and correct an awkward tooth shape--all in a single procedure.

Dental Implants

Just because your teeth are severely damaged or even missing altogether does not mean that you have to be stuck with a smile you aren't proud of. Visiting your dentist at TLC Family Dentistry in Lees Summit, MO for dental implants is one of the best ways to achieve the perfect smile no matter how bad your oral health is currently. Dental implants look, feel and function completely naturally, leaving you with a smile you won't believe is your own.

You use your teeth every day for chewing and speaking, but that's not all. Your teeth are also an important part of your smile and the way you connect with the world. Make sure your smile is one worth sharing. Call TLC Family Dentistry in Lees Summit, MO at (816) 537-6161 and talk to your dentist about your cosmetic dentistry options today.

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