What to Do if You Have Sensitive Teeth

Your Lee's Summit, MO dentist offers up some advice for how to reduce tooth discomfort.

When you suffer from tooth sensitivity, even everyday eating, drinking, and brushing can cause you pain. Teeth sensitivity is often due to the wearing away of enamel, which can expose a tooth’s roots. However, this isn’t the only reason why you might be experiencing tooth Sensitive teethsensitivity. Everything from dental bleaching to a cracked tooth can be to blame for your pain. If you have concerns about your sensitivity then it might be time to talk to your Lee's Summit, MO dentists at TLC Family Dentistry.

Depending on the cause of your tooth sensitivity, we might recommend any of these options:

  • Fluoride: Since fluoride is known to strengthen enamel, your Lee's Summit dentists might apply fluoride to the areas of your mouth that are causing you sensitivity. By re-strengthening worn enamel, we can help to reduce your dental discomfort. We may also prescribe fluoride for you to use from the comfort of your own home.

  • Desensitizing toothpaste: This is often one of the first lines of defense against our patients’ sensitivities. While you might not notice it taking effect right away, after using it several times you should start to notice a reduction in your tooth pain. Consult with your dentists about the best kinds of desensitizing toothpastes on the market.

  • Dental bonding: If your sensitivity is caused by the tooth’s root being exposed, we can reduce your discomfort by applying a special dental resin to your tooth. This resin is the same kind used to fill a tooth after a cavity.

  • Root canal: If your tooth sensitivity is causing you severe pain and other treatments have not proven effective, then your Lee's Summit dentist may recommend a root canal. This procedure removes the inner structure of the tooth known as the pulp. By removing the infection or irritated pulp, we can eliminate your pain altogether.

If you are dealing with sensitive teeth don’t let it affect your everyday life. Talk to your Lee's Summit, MO dentists at TLC Family Dentistry about oral care tips we have for caring for your sensitive smile every day. We have helpful techniques for keeping your smile healthy while also preventing dental pain. Call us today!

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