Teeth Whitening Treatments Can Renew Your Smile

How teeth whitening treatments can bring new life to your smile

If your smile isn’t as white as it used to be, it’s time to give new life back to your smile with a dental whitening treatment. You may have stains or yellowing teeth from smoking, coffee or aging, but whatever the reason, a teeth whitening treatment is just what you need. YourTeeth Whitening dentists at TLC Family Dentistry in Lee’s Summit, Missouri want to help you explore what a dental whitening treatment can do for you.

The main reason teeth can look dull and lifeless is from aging. As you age, your tooth enamel becomes thinner and you can see through to the layer underneath, called dentin. This layer is normally yellow in color, so the older you are, the more yellow your teeth might look.

You can buy over-the-counter whitening treatments in grocery stores and shopping malls, but these products often contain harmful chemicals which can make your teeth sensitive and be destructive to tooth enamel. Many of these products provide limited benefits which don’t last very long.

Your dentists at TLC Family Dentistry recommend a convenient take-home whitening kit. They will take molds of your teeth and produce a set of clear plastic trays which fit over your teeth perfectly. You will receive a supply of professional strength whitening gel to place in the trays. You can wear the trays for an hour up to overnight, depending on your sensitivity to the gel. Typically, people have a dramatically whiter smile after using the gel for two weeks.

Take-home whitening kits are the convenient way to get a dazzling white smile in the privacy of your own home. If you are thinking about teeth whitening treatments, stop in and see the experts at TLC Family Dentistry in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. They are your teeth whitening professionals in the neighborhood. Find out how teeth whitening treatments can renew your smile by calling today!

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